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"Pink haired man"

Y/n pov:

I lazily exhaled when I heard my mother knock in my door many times I forced my self to stand up and rolled my eyes i thought this month we'll be my quiet month

My mother was a drug addict and I hate her sometimes she take some man's in our house. Well everyone thought that we're just a siblings because how my mother look she look young

I'm just a normal business worker and we are broke as fuck due of a lot payment and mom always stole my money

I open the door and saw her holding a plastic that she always filled of cocaine her hair was messy and holding a gun

"Y/n"She said under her breath

"Mom,I don't have any money"I said and took the gun her hand

She sit in the floor and throw the plastic she start to cry. She start being addict when my dad died we're perfect family that time all my classmate's admired our family but everything change

I kneel my knees and hug her "Mom,dad died for a long time you should move on"I said I kept saying those words to her but she still wouldn't listen

She stand up took the plastic again and walk away I saw her get down in the downstairs and I headed to my room again when I feel the weight of the gun my hand I put the gun in my clothes and hide the gun it's dangerous for mom to keep it in her


I wake up with my alarm clock I rub my eyes and yawn I open the windows and saw a black car in front of our gate it most be my mom another guy again

I headed to my door and open when I heard my mom moaned I slowly look downstairs and saw her riding a man in the sofa

I took a deep breath and headed to the that next to my room when I get in I look at door and take off my pajamas and my underwear and turn on the shower

When I done all my daily routine as I wear my office clothes and my id and put some makeup to look nice I feel relaxed when I can't hear mom's moans

I walk downstairs and saw them sitting in the sofa that where they do some adult stuff I smiled to mom and she just smile I about to hurry walk when mom spoke

"Why you didn't eat?"She asked

I look her and look at guy that next to my mom. What was that eyelashes? It's so long he even has a pink hair and mullet honestly he look good at it and his suit

"No thanks mom,I'll eat with my friends"I said and smiled and headed to the door

That guy was so different than others I mean he has good looks than others and he just look like the same at my age can't believe mom do that thing with him

I stop in the roadway to take a taxi when a black car stop in front of me my brow up when I saw who's the driver and it's the guy that with mom

"Get in"He said and open the car door that next to the driver seat

"Why would I? I don't know you"I complain

"Your mother what me to give you a ride,dumb ass" He calmly said and tap the car door

I look to him up and down he still look like a guy that I can trust-perhaps I step forward and seat in the seat and he Walk Heading to the driver seat

He start the engine and we just keep silent while he driving well what would I do. Just lately they do such a things in our house and it's so embarrassing if I'm in his situation

"How did you met my mom?"I asked and look in other side

"Hm?,where?"He whisper and I give him a look "we met in the bar"

I nod "Then,Do you like my mom?"I asked it's not nice that he only use my mom

"Yes"He said like he doesn't care

"What do you like about my mom"I asked again

"Her daughter"He said and wink at me

"You shit flirty!"I shout and he just laughed and focus in the road in this view I can see how long his eyelashes

He sit straight in the seat when he stop the car when the car stop in the building I working. How the fuck did he know that I'm working in her?

"Thanks"I said and open the door

I close the door when I finally get out in his car I carefully close the door I'm afraid that his car well get scratch or broke I don't have any money to change for that damage

I saw him get away in the road I exhaled I can't imagine mom well end up in this guy. I hoping that he we'll leave my mom alone he we'll be another headache

I walk and enter the building and headed to the elevator when the elevator door about to close a hand stop it he enter the elevator and pressed the floor where he want

I took my phone in my bag and check the time if I still have a time because I can feel my self starving I shocked when I heard my stomach sound

And the guy with a black hair look at me I look down this is so embarrassing and I heard him softly laughed he took something in his pocket and handed the bread to me

"Do you want?"He said and smiled

I awkwardly smile "oh? thank you" I said and reach the bread in his hand

I open the plastic that wrapped the bread and take a bite when I taste the strawberries flavored inside

"I'm Mio,I in work here starting now"

ADDICTION and OBSESSION||Sanzu Haruchiyo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now