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"Don't run if you still
get caught"



I groan when sanzu push me in the door and the door open I drop in the floor. I touch my butt and I feel pain

"Hey!stop!" I shout

The Pink haired man lifted me and I keep Punch his chest but he look no bother he stopped in the bed and throw me in there and I feel my self bounce in this soft bed

He took something in her pocket and saw a plastic that full of white That look like a dust- don't tell me it's cocaine

"What are you doing?"I asked and try to get out in the bed but he pull my hair

"Don't run if you still get caught"He whisper in my ears

"Damn...you so fucking beautiful in close"He said and he pull my hair hard

He make my head rest in his lap and he make me look at him by pulling my hair-it's hurt. I look at his eyes and saw how long his eyelashes

"Damn"I whisper

Sanzu look at me confused and he remove his hand in my hair I quickly sit straight and he took something in drawer. It's a injection I start to get panic when he put a water in the injection and put a cocaine He shake it and pull my elbow

"No!,what are you doing?!stop!"I argued and try to remove his hand

"Having s*x is better with cocaine"He said and point the injection in my skin

I feel a tears forming in my eyes I'm afraid at injections.I still remember the time when I'm sick mom always hug me when I need a injection and she sing a song for comforting me

"Why are you crying?"Sanzu asked and I started to cry

Sanzu move closer and hug me he comb my hair with his hand it's weird why he hugging me right now. I Flinch when I feel a small pain in my left shoulder I look at Sanzu worried and he look at me confused

I punch him with right hand but he still no bother when I feel something entering my shoulder that where I fell a pain- he use the injection!

He removed the injection in my shoulder and he show the empty Injection in me. We throw the empty Injection in the floor and pulled me he hold me in my back neck and kiss me I feel his hand traveling to my waist

I try to push him but it's no use. He broke the kiss and pulled me much closer to him my chest met his

"Open your mouth" he said and pulled my hair

"Ah!"I shout but before I close my mouth he put his thumb in my mouth

I saw a smile in his face "good" he said and kiss me again he forced my mouth to open with his two finger he Enter his tongue in my mouth and I feel disgust

When he done I try to catch my breath and Sanzu still holding me closer to him he moved my hair in my neck and smell it

"You smell cheap"He said with his annoyed voice

"I don't asked for your opinion"I said

He wrap his one hand in my waist and I feel his other hand traveling through my dress I hold in his hand and try to get out in his strong arm

"Stop moving"He groans

I stop and look him

"You hitting my d*ck"He said

I look down and I noticed I been rubbing his lower with my knees because I keep moving. I start to get nervous when I feel it touches my knees I move my knees back

"Wanna see it?"He said and remove his hand that he been holding me

I moved backward and sit in the bed and I feel my heart beat so fast

"No!" I shout when he try to open his bottom clothes

"Ah! You keeping me wait"He said and unlock his belt

When he finally remove it he wrap it in my neck and lock it I try to remove it but he slap my hand

"Don't make a move until I command"he said and took a gun in his pocket

He opened his bottom clothes zipper and his boxer exposed in my eyes and he pull the belt that wrapped in my neck and he pointed the gun in my head

"I'm being nice to you so it's your turn to be nice"He said


"Pleasure me"He said and push the gun


It's disgusting

"Do you want me to use force?"He said and pull the belt harshly

I shake my head and he remove the gun when I move forward closer to his hips

"You only gonna use me once, right? After this you gonna abandon me, right?"I said

He sighed "no,do you think I'll buy a girl because I want to touch them? They approach me first"He said and hold my chin

He make me look up and he move closer to me "so you don't have idea?why I buy you" he said I shake my head as 'no' and he grin

"Because I'm in interested in you"

I took a deep breath "but you been to far...if only you approach me and be nice to me there's a chance"I said

"Are you saying you are interested in me"he said

Oh no, he misunderstood it!

"No.. it's not wha-"

He removed my hair that blocking my face he stuck it in my back ears and he move and hug me. I found my self laying in the bed while he hugging me and he's in top of me

I feel his breath in my ears and he bite it. I feel his hand through my dress traveling up to my waist. He's hand pull my short and my panties and he removed it I can't fight because of his weight- why I really my body is a lady I feel weak!

ADDICTION and OBSESSION||Sanzu Haruchiyo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now