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"Another woman"

As he said, I start to touch my lower through my panties I bite my lips when I can feel my climax.I look to sanzu that looking at me with his blue eyes

"Ah.."I moaned

I was busy doing what he want and I didn't notice he come closer to me and lift me. I remove my hand in my lower and try not to touch his shoulder with my dirty hand.I still in pain and I want him to stop but I'm to scared to spoke

We heading upstairs and I just keep close my mouth. Surely after this I can't walk

"Are you a good girl now?"He said "answer me"He command

I quickly open my mouth and spoke "yes"

When we arrived at the room he put me down and push me to walk. I almost fall by his strong pushed I tried to walk endure my pain I'm still in sore

I don't know why but I fall in the floor and I start to get nervous when i heard a footsteps I turn around and saw sanzu coming closer to me wearing his serious look

"So I'm not wrong?"He said and grab my hair he forced my face to look up when he kneel his right knees to level my height

"You misunderstood it"I nervously said and he slap me

I dropped in the floor when he slap me and he let my self drop in the floor and I touch my cheeks when I feel the cold floor Touch my skin. What did I do to be suffered like this?

"You know y/n, I thought you are not like your mother"He said with his husky voice "But sadly to accept, you are really a fucking bitch-wait Hahaha do you really like being fucked?"

I wipe my tears and face him "And do you know? You're just a fucking creepy addict pervert person I ever met"I Said and make sure he heard it

"Did I give you permission to spoke?"He said

I follow his moved by my eyes. When he stand up he stepped at my knee and I shout when it's hurt I hold in his hand and try to move it off but he push it further

He stop when I been hurt so much he took a deep breath and pulled my hair he start to walk heading to the bed. Why always my hair?

I keep struggling but at always it's no use. How can I escape when I can't fight back?

He sit in the bed while gripping in my hair so that I can't go. His moved his foot and he put it between my thigh and he make it open

"Tell me if you feel good last night?"He whisper in my ears

"No,I didn't"I answered

"Really?"He whisper again and rub his foot in my lower

"Ahh..I'm telling the truth!" I answered again and struggle

A minute later he removed his hand in my hair and I quickly took my hair together.he removed his foot between my thigh and I stand up and turn around to face him

He keep silent and I can only hear my breathing and my heart beats. He hold my waist and pulled me closer to him slowly and spoke

"Come here"He calmly said

I obey him. When I'm close in him I shocked when he hug me when he just hugging me I move my hand to touch his head. He really have a. Nice hair I startled when I feel his hand touch my butt

"You can't go to your work until you feel better"He said and squeeze my butt


The night comes and thankfully sanzu was not in the house tonight he told me to come a food in the kitchen when I'm hungry but I feel better when I'm in bed

I hold my knee and it's hurt when I touch it-i think it broken. I stand up and I still can walk thankfully sanzu didn't touch me he just go and leave so he feel sorry ha

I walk downstairs and headed to the kitchen and cook some soup for me. A minute later when it's cook and I finished it I washed them and go to the living room to get my office clothes


It's already 10 in the night and I just sitting in the balcony in where there's a chair. I only keep looking at the one star that I took a deep breath and a grin form in my face when the cold strong with pass by

I startled when I heard a car beep and it's like it's playing by someone. I look at where sanzu park his car and I shocked when I saw his car i was busy looking at the star and doesn't noticed sanzu was finally home

I saw him get out in his car and he standing like drunk and laughed. My eyes went wide when I see Rindou and ran get out in his car with a three girls. How they Fit in there? I know his car is big but

I hide when Ran look at me he saw me when the moon light in me. I quickly come to bed and hide in the futon

A minute later I heard some footsteps and talks and I heard a door open and when it's all quiet I stand up and open my room door and saw the empty corridor

I heard Ran and Rindou and including sanzu voice moaning next room. I walk heading to the door and I take a look when it's open a little. I startled when the three man siting in the bed and the three girls sucking their d!cks

I quickly get back to my room and hide in the futon again. I try to close my eyes and sleep but I can't. I can only hear their moans next room

When I suddenly realized I still have my phone in my bag why I haven't know that I can call the police. I stand up and took my phone I was about to dial the number when someone touch my shoulder

ADDICTION and OBSESSION||Sanzu Haruchiyo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now