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Sanzu pov:

I don't know why I'm being nice to y/n and honestly I'm fucking angry at Haitani and to y/n but I don't have time for that tomorrow we have meeting and about this buying y/n only the Haitian know about it

After I cum in this slut I feel bored she only moaned. I remove my dick inside her and put back my clothes and headed outside of the room. I look at my phone and it's almost 3 in the morning

I come to y/n room probably she sleeping I slowly open the door and I see her standing while holding her phone. I step forward and approach her I put my hand in her shoulder and she stop moving

I took the phone in her hand and she trying to call the cops what a waste of time.

"What a waste of time" I said

While holding his phone I locked the door and headed to sit in her bed and inhaled I smiled when this room was filled with her scent

"Come here baby"I said when she look at me

She walk forward and I can see her trembling her step wasn't good I think I hurt her so much in her knee and fuck she still sore

She stop in front of me and she closing her mouth- ah so cute she trying not to say a words

"I'll set you free someday so relax" I calmly said and hold her hand

She flinch when I give a kiss her back hand and she look at me with her beautiful eyes

"You can talk"I whisper while holding her hands and make it close in my mouth

I grin when he trying to say a words but she just open her mouth and close it again

"W-why are you being nice to me again? I believe you like beating me"

"It's depends on my mood" I answer and she remain silent again

"Sit in the bed"I said

The room was so quiet only the sound next room was heard.She take a sit in the bed and I still holding her hand

"What do you think about me?"I asked

What the fuck? That's so cringe Haruchiyo

"Am?....you are so mean"She whisper

Do I really that mean? It's getting on my nerves this is so annoying. I'll just fuck her if I want to

"But sometimes...you look at me like you have a care for me"She said with her low voice

I cover my face with my hand because she so annoying. what did she do to me? Did he make me drink some love poison?. I look at her and she just looking down

It's been 3 years since I saw y/n she was walking in the side road and I was heading to our mission and after that I keep stalking her. I don't but there's something in her that I never feel at anybody

And when I know that her mother was a drug addict and a f*cking wh*re I thought y/n was too but I was wrong. In the first place it thought she just playing to be hard to get

I really wait the right timing to offer her mother for the money and yeah I asked her mother when her mother take a cocaine so it will be easy and offer some money and extra cocaine

I never know I'll be in this much effort to get a little girl. My eyes move to see her and she still looking down I look at her eyes to her lips I breath heavily when my brother star to stand up. My eyes travel to her neck to her chest

"I'm hard"

She shocked and look at me trying to remove her hand in my hand but I hold it tight

"One cum and I'll let you sleep"

"It's still hurt"she whisper

"I never said that we will use your little sister"I said and she look at me worried

I stand up and let go her hand I push her in the bed and before she respond to my action I hold her tight together

"You said...you will not use it"She nervously said

"I won't"

I unlock my belt and my pants. I smiled when I saw it standing so hard I open y/n thigh and she just her top waiting for my next move. I remove her short with her panties and she try to close her thigh but I already place my d!ck between it I startled when she feel my hard d!ck touched her skin

"What are you trying to do?"She asked

I put her Thigh together and start thrusting through between her thigh she looking at my d!ck that thrusting between her thigh and I can see worried in her face. my free cum is dripping in her thigh and it's make her nervous. Why this girl is easy to read?

A minute later I finally feel the high and I start to thrust faster until I cum and she still looking at my dick that slowly thrusting. She look at me worried and I smiled

I let my self fall beside her in the bed and she still closing her mouth and holding her tops.

"Let's sleep"I whisper and she nod

She forced her self to close her eyes and even in my small move she flinch she probably thinking what I'm gonna do next and there's no fucking next cuz I'm tired .I close my eyes and fall asleep while hugging her


I wake up and there's no y/n besides me I look around and heard a shower in the bathroom I stand up and headed in there I open the door and come to the shower area and there's y/n

"Let's shower together"


After we done taking a bath together we put some new clothes and I still can't believe why I'm forcing my self not to touch her

We headed downstairs and there's the Haitian sitting in my couch

ADDICTION and OBSESSION||Sanzu Haruchiyo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now