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Y/n pov:

I look at my shirt and it's full of sanzu's blood. I look at Sanzu when he touch my hand

"Can I change my clothes?"I asked and he nod

He removed his hand in my hand and I get some clothes in the cabinet and go to the bathroom. I washed my hand and after I remove my used clothes I wear the new

I get out in the bathroom after I changed and see sanzu sleeping. I pick the treatment things in the floor and put it back. I go downstairs and saw a bloody katana in the floor

I blink my eyes many times and took it. Did he kill someone? I look around and saw a gun I took it and i put gun and katana in the table

"Murderer"I whisper

I get back upstairs and go to my room when I heard a phone call and it's from sanzu phone. I look to sanzu and he sleeping peacefully

I look at his lock screen and saw that ran is calling i answered the call

"Oi! Haruchiyo! Where are you?" I heard a familiar voice and it's ran

I keep my mouth shut and wait

"Am? T-this is y/n... he's fine"I answer

Ran keep silent and so I

I heard him laugh and end the call

I put sanzu phone back in his coat and sit in the bed and hug my knee again and fall asleep while sitting


It's been a week's and I'm completely fine and I think sanzu will allow me to go to my work. We are eating right now in the Dinning and yes I cook well this guy doesn't know how to cook

"Can I talk?"I asked when my low voice and he nod while eating

"I'm completely fine can I go to my work now?"I said and i sit straight when he look at me

"Really?"He said while smiling

"Yes" I nod

"Yes,you can" he said

After we done eating I go back to my room and wear my office clothes and go downstairs and saw sanzu moving his shoulder slowly.

He stand up and walk heading outside he probably know I'm following him now he open the car door near at the car seat and he sit-oh his not planning to open a door for me?

I open the car door so I can sit I put the sit belt and he start the car engine I startled when I feel his hand in my thigh I close my thigh when he place his hand between it

"Stop...you are driving"I argued

I hold in the sit belt when he squeeze my thigh and he looking at the road he being pervert again

I look at my phone and see if there a bruise in my neck and thankfully there's no any

We arrived at my working place and before I open the door sanzu stop me and hold in my chin he kiss me hungry and I can feel his hand Mass my thigh

What is he doing there so much people outside .He broke the kiss

"Let's have s*x later" he whisper and I nod

I open the car door and remove the sit belt and close the car when I finally get out. I look at the window and it's like you can't see who's inside but you can see outside

I turn around and start to walk and see my thigh was so red he squeeze it so much. I shocked when I feel a hand in my shoulder

"Big sis!"

A grin form in my face and look beside me and see Mio. I look in his back and thankfully there's no sanzu car's around

"Mio... what's up?"I said


I stretch my hand and exhaled when there's so much work in my table and Mio help me to do finish some of it

We are now in the coffee shop near in our work place and we taking a coffee and Mio talk about his girlfriend and what happy they are

"Maybe next time big sis I'll introduce you to kira" he said with a smile in his face

Kira is the name of his girlfriend and he show me that picture and they are really good to each other

"I'll look forward for that"I said and take a sip in my coffee

We been talking until he asked about if I have a boyfriend or I have someone I like

"Oh? It's okay if you don't want to tell me big sis" he said

I smiled "I don't really have time for that"I said. Did I really have?

After we done our coffee we planning to go back to our work place when a strong wind blow and block my hair

"Big sis,I think you have to tie your hair"Mio said and took some bond in his pocket

"My girlfriend really like her hair when I tie it, if you like big sis I'll tie your hair for you"He offered

He look so bright so I nod

I sit in back in the seat it's because we sit outside of the coffee shop so we can take some fresh air

Sanzu pov:

I punch the car controller when I saw Mio touching my baby's hair. I know that guy named was Mio I investigate his background and he have a girlfriend- oh so he planning my baby to be a third wheel?

But I can't go there because y/n was look so happy I never see her been like that. I don't know what he doing to my baby but he tie it to something I don't know what that called it's like ran hairstyle when we first met but it's only one

Why I'm doing here I suppose to be with Mikey and the others well there nothing to do in there so I just stay here and Watch my baby

ADDICTION and OBSESSION||Sanzu Haruchiyo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now