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Y/n pov:

I startled when my phone ring I took it and saw that my mom is calling i quickly answer it


"Y/n...i-i think I can't take you away to sanzu"She said

"But you said you said you will"I said with my low voice

"I tried y/n I even try to self my organs and sale my self to earn a money...I'm really sorry I made a biggest mistake I'm really feel sorry my daughter"Mom said and start to cry

I don't think I can believe at her anymore she said she gonna help me she said she gonna help she gonna help me

"He said he gonna kill you if I gonna take you away from him"she explained

"Did har-sanzu really say that?"I said with my cold voice "or you just making a story"

"What? Are saying that I'm lying?...come home tonight okay I'll cook you a food"Mom said

"I will"

"I love you y/n"Mom said and I end the call

I put my phone back in the table and I almost jump in where I sitting when I saw ran standing next to me

"Ran.."I nervously said

"It's been a while y/n how are you?"he said and sit in my table

"I'm fine"I said and wipe my sweat there's a Aircon in here but I start to feel sweaty

"Why did you wear a long sleeve when you feel hot"Ran said and took my pen and play it

I wear this because I start feel that someone is watching me and I feel uncomfortable and just to hide my skin is make me feel relaxed after all I have a bruise in my waist

"I like this clothes"I said

I heard him chuckle "Ridiculous, you just hiding your bruise" he said and look at me and I silently nod

"Why are you always in here?"I asked he seems nice

"Your director borrow a money in me and I'm coming here to take it" he answered

"I thought you have someone who will do it for you"I said

"Well, your director is beautiful"He said and wink at me

"Yeah she is"I said and look at our director that talking with a worker

"I always come in here"He said and he got my attention back "And I saw everything"

He stand up and put the pen back in my table. What did he mean about everything?

"Haruchiyo never been like this in a girl"He said "I know it's hard to live with Mr drug addict but you seems fine so you will be fine"He said and walk away

What did he mean about the 'you seems fine so you will be fine' and 'haruchiyo never been like this in a girl'

I see Mio looking at ran and he look at me and he look like saying 'Did you know him?' and I just look at him 'kinda' and he just 'oh'

He write something and show it to me it's written in paper that 'you always with a criminal are you really okay? You can tell me if you want I won't tell anyone else if you want' and he smiled

Maybe telling Mio won't be hurt I nod and he smiled and get back to work


We are in the roof top and we are looking down and I took a breath when the wind blow

"You won't tell anyone else, right?"I said

"Yes I promise"Mio said and show me his little finger and so I we cross it together

I put my hand together and breath heavily. I tell him everything and he look shocked and including the rap!ng That happened and the drugs

"I didn't know that you are suffering y/n"Mio said and still In shocked "I'm sorry"

"No you don't need to feel sorry, I should thank you for listening"I said and trying not to cry

"I can't let that guy hurt you again...you know y/n my brother is a police man he can help you with this"Mio said and hold my hand

I shake my head "I'm afraid that he gonna kill you guys"I said and cry

I feel Mio warm arms and he hugged me I let myself cry and hug him tight he really comforting me right now I badly need someone who can comfort me whenever I need it and thankfully Mio is here

"Thank you, thank you Mio"I said


I take a taxi and go to our home me and my mom's home when I arrive and I smiled when I saw mom cooking at the kitchen and she look like the mom I see when I was a kid

My tears fall and I quickly wipe it I try not to make a sound but I just did mom noticed me and she come to hug me I hold in her clothes and she start to comforting me

"Don't cry y/n you make me cry"Mom said and laughed awkwardly

I broke the hug and said "Are you really stop the drugs?"I said and she nod

I look around and I smelled what our home smell when I was a kid. I wish I will forever be a kid I look around the house was tidy

"If I can't take you away from sanzu can we just meet in our home, daughter?"Mom said

I nod "yes mom"

While mom is cooking I come to my room and my things never touched I sit in my bed and lay

"Food is ready!"

I stand up when I heard mom i walk downstairs and headed to the kitchen I smiled when she standing next to the table

She offered me to sit in when she move the chair so I can sit

Mom sit to and we thanked for the food and we start eating. Just like a remember mom's cooking skills is the best

"Is it good?"Mom asked and smiled

"Yes mom, it's delicious"

ADDICTION and OBSESSION||Sanzu Haruchiyo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now