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A/n: yeah... this is the lose chapter

Nobody pov:

It's been an hours and you start to feel bored as you look at Haruchiyo that busy at doing his works- criminal business stuff. you took your phone in your bag and start playing games

You almost jump and where you sitting when you heard a familiar voice whispering in your ears that make your plume up and lose the game


You turn around and saw akashi he holding a cigarette in his hand and exhaled a toxic smoke from the cig. You look at Haruchiyo and he just looking at you

"Mikey need you"Akashi said

Haruchiyo walk heading to your direction and you expecting that he will get angry or What but he just stop I front of you

"Don't get out in this room, it's a command"Haruchiyo said and so walk away with akashi

You flinch when akashi look at you and wink at you; you just give him a smile. When they gone you start to feel bored again and so you start playing at your phone

You thought that you don't have a cigarette in here so you just need to play with your phone and entertain yourself

You are busy at the games and didn't noticed that someone enter the room and sit beside you. You don't mind him but you keep focus at your phone

You feel a hand in your back And so you lose at the game. You look at the guy and you just give a smiled the purple haired man

"Rin..."You said as you try to hide your annoyed

"It's been a long time"Rindou said and you just nod

You startled when you feel his hand entering your clothes

"Haru will get mad"You said and struggle to move away his hand

He removed his hand and quickly pulled you into a kiss. Idiot haru will get mad if he see this you thought

You try to push him but he bite your lower lips make your groan in pain and he enter his tongue inside your mouth and keep attacking your tongue

He broke the kiss and you still holding him in his chest so he won't move closer again you don't want haru to get mad at you. You will never wanted that

"Are you free today?no?"He said and touch your hair and you shake your head as 'no'

"Well..."He stand up and fix his suit and give you a card "Take this...call me"He said and walk away

You look at the card and it's written in there his address and number. You took a sigh and put his card in your bag you feel relief when haru didn't see that

You start to think having a smoke. Cigarette help you to feel calm you stand up and come to haru table to find some cigarettes

You smiled when you see a box of cigarettes you took one and you took your lighter and light up your cig that in your mouth

"Ah...."You exhaled and sit in Haruchiyo's chair

You start to feel relaxed and you didn't notice that you took a cigarette again and again but it's makes you happy so you take one again

You almost choked by the smoke that stock in your throat when the door open and there's Haruchiyo standing in there

"Damn...baby"He said

You keep busy at clearing your throat and it's start to feel itchy and you didn't notice that Haruchiyo was besides you

"You done three of it...are you fine?"He asked and you stand up in his chair

He sit in there and he pulled you to sit in his lap. He took a cigarette in your hand and inhaled and exhaled the toxic smoke in your face

You cough and you not expecting him to do that

"I made this and there's a cocaine Inside"He said "Damn,how many you can take?"He said and touched your waist

You smiled at him "I can take all in my mouth"You said

You just talk to him like his a normal person and maybe your head was poisoned by the drugs that why you don't afraid at what he doing

"Say 'ah' baby"Haruchiyo said and you open your mouth

He put his favorite pills inside your mouth and so he pulled you into a kiss you want to take the pills and swallow it but he keep it away in you by his tongue inside your mouth

After that you moved stand up while kissing him and sit at him spreading your legs as you sit at his legs

You just want the pills to be yours but his hand traveling inside your clothes and unlock your bra that he took the pills and swallow it

You broke the kiss

"Here"He said and he open your mouth and give you a pills

"I'll die if I overdose"I said

"Don't worry I'll come with you...let's die together"Haruchiyo said

He pulled you into a kiss his kiss was so wild and so you kiss him back wildly. While the both of the two of you kissing he start to pull you clothes off as you broke the kiss and kiss him back

You don't you what you doing but your mind was poisoned.He broke the kiss you panting

"Can you suck my d!ck?"He said

"Why would I do that?"You said and you feel his hand in your breast

"I buy that teddy bear and be nice with that kid"He said "Where's my reward?" He added

"Hmmm?"You whisper "okay"

You move to sit in the floor under his table and so you open his belt and his zipper. You pulled his d!ck out in his brief and it's slap you

"Ouch"You groans and you start to feel nervous when his d!ck standing so hard

"Don't worry baby.... My d!ck won't bite you he will just make you cum"He said and hold my head and move my face closer to his big d!ck

You gulp and touch his d!ck and ready to put it in your mouth. You start to think that it won't fit in your mouth

ADDICTION and OBSESSION||Sanzu Haruchiyo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now