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"Two purple haired man's"

What I'm doing right now this isn't me . Why I'm doing this I don't like this

Sanzu help me to move up and down to his d*ck. Really at the first I saw his things I start to get scared but his d*ck doing great

I feel my climax and so sanzu I moved faster as he say I'm afraid if he abandon me for not doing what he like. It's not that like this I only want attention and care he promised me to give me all of that

We c*m so many times and when I feel my release I lay in sanzu's chest I feel so exhausted maybe a little nap can help


I wake up when I heard a skin slapping and some creck sounds I open my eyes and saw sanzu thrusting me

"Ahh w-wait slow d-down hmm" I said it's hard to form a words because I start to feel the pressure

"I'm coming"Sanzu moaned and I nod many times and rest my head in the bed

Sanzu pull his d*ck in my pussy and he lay in next to me. He comb my hair with his hand and say

"You being good, today"He said and kiss my forehead and he close his eyes

I blink many times and rub my eyes. What am I doing? A minute later when I secured that sanzu is sleeping I help my self to stand up and wear his white top and find my bag that where I put my phone

I smiled when I see it but sanzu Block it with his body I push sanzu slowly and when it's clear I took my bag and I started when he turned around

"What are you doing?"

For no reason my heart beat so fast i tap my foot in the floor when I can feel it and run heading to the door but before I open it sanzu hand slammed it that make me flinch

"I thought I've brainwashed you"He said and whisper in my ears

I turn around and give him a sharp look "I think you failed"I said and smirked

I saw a smirk form in his face and I started to get nervous again

"But you spread your legs for me"He said and pull me away in the door

I drop in the floor really hard and he open the door and take himself out and he still half naked

I exhaled to calm my self and stand up and sit in the bed. I took my phone in my bag and find my mom number

Should I call her?
No no no she sale me so he doesn't give a care to me
She really doesn't?

I found myself calling my mom. I feel exited when I heard her voice saying my name and after that I heard her moaned

My life is suck!

"Mom.."I said

"Ah! Yes y/n?"She respond

"Do you really sale me for 20 million?"I asked calmly

I only hearing moans and skin slapping. With my teary eyes I Pressed the end call button and took a deep breath


I awake by the bright from the sun and hear some car engine outside I stand up and look in the window door in the balcony and saw some cars

"Mom had a guy again"I whisper and that make me pause for a minute

I'm not in home I'm in hell

I move my eyes and saw a big cabinet I open it and find some clothes I shocked when there's a lot of girls stuff a clothes,make up and some branded bag. I wonder if it's okay to sanzu if I use this?

I picked a clothes and wear. I slowly open the door and look downstairs my eyebrows Furrowed when i saw sanzu talking with the two purple haired man's

I flinch when sanzu eyes see me I quickly hide and quickly headed to the room again

I sighed while hugging my knees while thinking about my job because of this creepy pervert pink haired man my life was ruined

My tears was about to fall when the door open and i quickly wipe my tears and saw sanzu with a two purple haired guys standing in the door

"I thought you have a work"Sanzu said

I nervously nod

"Change, I'll drive you there...you can use clothes from the cabinet"He said and tap the two guy shoulder

The guy who look matured than the two wave a hand in me and sanzu slap it I heard the two purple haired man's laughed and they after they close the door

I drop my self in the bed and sighed I thought I'd be in danger again. I stand up and headed to the other door that I think that bathroom

After I done showering and comb my hair I find some clothes in the cabinet and saw a lot of office clothes and heels. I wonder who own this clothes?

I take my bag and headed downstairs my eyebrows Furrowed when the three boys look at me. Their eyes move at the same time looking at me up and down-this feels so uncomfortable

"We had fun last night,I'm win"Sanzu said and come to my direction

That's embarrassing!

I saw the guy who wave a hand in me smirked and I look down when I feel sanzu hand from my waist. I hold in my bag because I feel uncomfortable when someone touch me


Sanzu stop his car in front of the building. I open the car door and when I finally out I close it but before I walk I away he hold my wrist

"If you do something stupid I'll come to your mom...you know what I mean, right?"He calmly said

I nervously nod

He removed his hand in my wrist and I walk away I startled when someone hand touch my shoulder I quickly turned around and saw Mio

"Hello big sis"

I awkwardly smile "hi Mio"

I nervously look at his back that where sanzu stop his car and saw the pink haired man looking at us I quickly look at Mio and pulled him to enter the building

ADDICTION and OBSESSION||Sanzu Haruchiyo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now