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Y/n pov:

After we done showering together and after we done put our new clothes we headed downstairs and thankfully it's just a shower together and he doesn't do anything stupid

I still looking at my thigh and I still can feel sanzu dick in there. He just show up in the middle of the night and do that

I look up when I noticed we are in living room and there's ran and Rin sitting in the couch. Sanzu and I take a sit

They are just talking and it's doesn't matter what there talking about because I feel uncomfortable again and I don't know why maybe it's because of what happened with me and Rin and ran or sanzu

After they done talking and they just waste there 5 minutes of talking ran and Rindou finally out in the house and they use sanzu's car cuz last night the car they use was sanzu's car

"Let's eat"

I stand up when sanzu stand up and I just follow him and we stop in a garage and sanzu turn on the light and so I see a car

A/N: Idk what to explain it but just imagine the car

"Wow"I whisper

I shocked when sanzu look at me I quickly cover my mouth and he chuckled

"You can talk for today"

He opened the car and she help me to get in. I can finally move my body wasn't that hurt but it's still hurt a little in my lower .When we finally get in the car sanzu started the car and drive

We arrived at a restaurant and sanzu stop the car and wrapped the scraf in my neck. Why he so nice again and then he just suddenly get angry

He get out in his car and open the car door next to me and I get out it's a very fancy and popular restaurant and some of coming here was had a lot of money and thankfully I'm wear a nice clothes

We enter the restaurant and take a seat and so a waiter approach us he welcome us and put the menu in the desk and wait for our order

I gulp when it's all expensive I look at Sanzu that looking at me and he waiting for my order. In our first eating in a restaurant together was he pick what I eat but why he doesn't pick mine right now?

"I can choose what I like?"I asked it's will be better if it's clear

"Yes"He said and put the menu that he holding in the desk

"Then...pasta?"I asked and he nod

After the waiter took our order and he walk away. I look in the table next to us and there's a couple and they look so perfect I wish I'll be in that relationship someday... someday when I finally get out in this addict

"Why are you still look so beautiful without makeup, baby"

I get back when I heard sanzu spoke I look at him and he looking at me like he scanning my face I hold my cheeks and thinking if I really beautiful

He chuckled "Are you still sore?"

"A little" I answer


We are now in his house again and he said he's get home late and I don't care. I can do whatever I what when he's not around I'm in the room again and just sitting in the bed while looking in the same spot when my phone rings

I took my phone besides me and sanzu is calling. I annoyed by his name when I see it in lock screen I answered the call and put the phone closer in my ears

"Baby?" Sanzu said in the phone line

"Yes?"I answer

I can feel my tremble in my words I took a deep breath to pull my self together. There's nothing to afraid y/n

"A minute later there's someone will deliver some groceries in house,pick it up" he said and after I answered he turn off the call

I let myself fall in the bed and so my eyes start to close but I heard a car engine outside I look at the balcony and there's a car and a man

I walk downstairs and open the door and saw the guy that has a scar in his right eyes and has a blue eyes like sanzu and has a cigarette in his mouth

He shocked when he see me he took his cigarette in his mouth and spoke

"What a coincidence" he said

"Ha? Have we met before?" I asked

And he look at me confused he took some bags of groceries maybe in his car and put it all down

"Maybe... It's not you"

I follow him with my eyes and he start his engine and make his way out I close the gates when he finally out and I took the bags and put those in the kitchen

When I put them all in the kitchen I set in the chair and still thinking about that guy lately. Why he said it's coincidence and say that he wrong. another weird guy

The night come and still sanzu is not home I cook some food after I done eating sanzu still not home. I smiled when I'm laying alone in the bed and the moon outside only the light in the room but I startled when a lightning and thunder show up

I hide in the futon and so the heavy rain fall. Every thunder I flinch I'm adult and I still fucking scared at thunder and I hate it

I keep my self hiding behind by the futon when a wet hand touch my shoulder and I quickly get out in the futon and saw sanzu that so wet I quickly hug him and so the thunder show up again

I don't know but I'm scared right now I need to hide to someone

I feel sanzu hand in my back and I can feel how wet he is

ADDICTION and OBSESSION||Sanzu Haruchiyo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now