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"Takeomi Akashi"

Y/n pov:

"Yes,akashi takeomi... remember?"He said and grin

Why he have to show up? What should I say next?

"Are you my brother f*ck buddy?" He said and he out a smoke in his mouth again

Brother? Who? Sanzu? His brother was sanzu? Fuck how?

I shake my head "No, and I don't like what he doing to me"I said and look down

"Do you want me to save you?"he said

Move my face up and shocked when I saw sanzu walk heading to us I quickly come to sanzu and leave akashi I stop in front of sanzu and I  he looking at me

"What are you doing there?"Sanzu asked

"It's just...I have a phone call"I said

"Who?"he asked

I flinch when I feel the weight of a hand in my head I look who is it and it's akashi. Idiot I'm gonna be in trouble

"See you y/n" Akashi said and remove his hand in my head and walk away

Sanzu look at me it's like he gonna eat me with his look. I look down and he hold in my shoulder and grip in it. It's hurt

"Did you know takeomi?"Sanzu said

I Shaked my head he forced me to look at him and bend down to level my height he move his face closer to mine

"I asked again, do you know him?"He said and I can see that his angry

I gulp before I answer

"Yes"I said and nod

He removed his hand in my shoulder and he hold my elbow and pull me and he start to walk .We arrived at the pool area but we didn't stop in there I think we are heading outside

"Haruchiyo are you leaving?"

"Yes fuck off!" Sanzu shout

We arrived at his car and he open the car door for me and force me to sit and he sit in the driver seat. I can hear his heavy breath and he click his tongue

He look at me and trying to touch me and I startled

"Fuck"He whisper

He start the engine and drive his car fast. We arrived at the main road and there's a lot of cars but sanzu drive it faster and his good at avoiding a car

I don't know where are we going but I start to get nervous .Sanzu drive the car faster. He turn the controller and so the wheels turn I noticed I never put my sit belt I put them and look if sanzu put his sit belt but he doesn't well I don't care it well be nice if he die in here

"Slow d-down"I whisper

Sanzu stop the car somewhere that there's no one he stop the car under the tree and we keep silent.

"How did you know takeomi?"He asked

"I met him 10 years ago but after that we don't have any connections"I explained

Sanzu look at me and he move closer to me I shout when he pulled my hair and he make me look at him— our face was so close to each other when he adjust himself to face me

"What do you mean by the 'after'?,baby"He said

I'm afraid to open my mouth and I don't know why but while he holding my hair he slap me and so I get back to my self

"Answer me!"He shout

"We met at the bar there's nothing else"I said

"Really"He said and slap me again

I nod as answer "should I call him? If you not telling the truth I really burn you alive"He said and remove his hand in my hair and took his phone in his pocket

Before he open his phone I stop him by holding his hand. Fuck. It's not like Akashi well help me right? But he said he save me did he? But still I don't have a trust to that akashi

I remove my hand in his hand and he put down his phone

"It's was one night stand"I whisper but it's enough to hear

"Do you like it?"He asked

Why he asking me if I like it? It's my virginity and I lose it in his brother and worse a criminal

"N-no"I answered

"Thankfully you don't"He said and I look at him and he hold my chin

"Because you can't like anything that involved with others"

He move my hair that blocking my face and he move closer to kiss me. I was gonna push him but I remember what mom said I need to be nice to him so I won't get hurt but even I'm being nice he hurt me

He bite my lower lips and I taste blood but he enter his tongue inside my mouth and keep attacking my tongue and it's give me a Terror

After he done at kissing me his lips travel to my neck and he leave some hickey in there

He move backwards and remove his belt he hold my elbow and pulled me closer to him. He make me sit in his lap and his hand keep massaging my waist and squeeze my chest

I hold in his hand when I feel his d!ck pricking in my butt. He start to unlock my top button and I try stop him

"Stop moving you hitting my d!ck"He moaned

He removed my top and my chest exposed in his eyes he removed my bra and I flinch when I feel his hand in my thigh. Why he so fast?

"Do you think this isn't the right spot"I said try to convince him

"I really want to do this with you in my car" he said

He make me stand up in front of him and my head hit the roof of the car and he just laughed

"Remove you skirt,baby"He said and start unbuttoned his pants

A/N:I read this fanfic and I realized there's a lot of error and I apologized for that. Pls vote

ADDICTION and OBSESSION||Sanzu Haruchiyo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now