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Y/n pov:

The day pass when that night happened it's the first time I enjoyed and just enjoy the life without thinking about our problem. Seriously that time I forgot what Haru's do to me

But as always he use me whenever he want and I still can't fight back he so strong and I'm weak sometimes he forced me to swallow some of his pills and I started to use cigarette to make me relaxed when he's not around

And the most saddest thing he do to me was he make a s*x video with me while he rap!ng me I didn't know that there's a cam and it's happening right now

My tears keep falling when what we doing right now was showing in the tv and he tell me he even planning to post it

I was stunned to speak but I just keep crying and begging him to stop but he's a devil he doesn't have a heart he do what he want to me and he stop when he want

He removed his thing inside me and come to stop the record and so the tv turn off I cover my self with the futon and I wiped my tears and my sweat

"You look sexy in here"He said while looking at his phone maybe he looking at a picture of mine that he took whenever he want I think his phone was full of my pictures

Actually he start being bad again and never show his good side is he really has a good side or I'm just imagining it?

I nervously flinch when he touches my hair and he hold my cheeks and wipe my tears

"Don't cry, admit it you like it too"He said

"Say you like it"He whisper make me look at his blue eyes

"I don't!"I shout

He hold my cheeks and grip in it in his one hands

"Say it!"

"I...I l-like...it"

He removed his hand in my cheeks and he grin he took his clothes in the floor and get out in the room. This is what he always do he well come to my room and use me and leave when he done

I spend my night crying it's not I'm crying because I can't stop him I cry because what if he will post it and everyone will see it and everyone will look at me like a prostitute. I'm afraid that what if Mio will see it


We are now eating in the dining room and I still can't move on what happened last night I started to get anxiety

I flinch when I feel a weight of hand touch my thigh I look down and saw sanzu hand

I lost my appetite and I trying to eat I move backwards when he touches my hair but he just move my hair and stuck it in my back ears

"Are you planning to eat your hair"he said and put a money in the table

"I can't pick you from work this night so this money, use this"He said and tap the money in the table

I nod and took the money and put it in my pocket. What if I asked him to delete the vid



"About the video...."

I heard him clicked his tongue and so I shut and close my mouth

"What do you mean about the video?....do you like me to post it?" He asked and I quickly shake my head as 'no'

"I'm just... gonna asked if you can delete it"I whisper but it's enough to heard

I hear him 'hmm' and spoke "no,I don't want to"

We don't eating and after I washed the dishes and after we done fixing our self haru drive me to my work place and he always asked the good bye kiss

He kiss me and I grip in his coat Sign that he need to stop he broke the kiss and hold my hands

"Don't always hang out with Mio" he said and I nod

I get out in his car and look at his car moving away I took a deep breath and wipe my mouth and walk heading inside and enter the elevator

The last communication u have to mom was when he use haru phone is still want to know why he with him is she already payed but why I'm still here

I startled when the elevator open and saw Mio and kira they look at me and wave their hand and so I do

"Y/n, I always saw that car is the guy inside is your boyfriend?"Kira said

We are now walking to our office area and I'm confused why kira is here

"His not"I said "why are you doing here you supposed to be in school teaching some kids about a good manners"I said

"It's holiday in school y/n did you forgot?"He said and laughed

"You being noisy kira low your voice"Mio said

"Hey you just like your brother"Kira said

"Brother? You have a brother Mio?"I asked

"Yes and his brother is like matured like that well his brother is a police officer and yeah just like that"Kira explained

"Do you want me to introduce you to him? His kind"Mio said "you don't have a boyfriend, right?"

"I love too but I think maybe next time I know his a busy man"I said

I really want to meet some new people in my life but I'm afraid that haru will do something to them and thankfully he didn't touch my friends Mio and kira

I sit in my office seat and so Mio sit in his seat kira goodbye to us. I took a deep breath and start doing my job

I startled when my phone ring I took it and saw that my mom is calling i quickly answer it


"Y/n...i-i think I can't take you away to sanzu"She said

"But you said you can"I said with my low voice

ADDICTION and OBSESSION||Sanzu Haruchiyo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now