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Nobody pov:

Day passes and you still feel lifeless and start ignore every phone call you receive some of the call from Mio but it's okay to you that he now fine

You don't have energy to go to work and you just thinking to die and be with your mom again

You tried to kill yourself sometimes but sanzu stop you or you will realize your doing was wrong

As always his attitude he sometimes nice and sometimes not. He touch you and use you when he want or as he wish and you just let him you just want to die there's no reason for living but sometimes he forced you to swallow some of his pills that full of drugs. You totally a drug addict like him

You are now Cooking in the kitchen while sanzu watching tv and you took a cigarette in your pocket that he made and you been hiding in there it's been ruined but it's still can us

You light it up and a minute later you think something crazy. You took the knife and look at Sanzu. If you can't kill yourself and you can't set yourself free the only choice is to kill haru you thought

You come to sanzu direction and you rise the knife high so you can stab him from above but you quickly hide the knife in your back when he turn around

"What's wrong?"He asked

"N-nothing"You said and walk away still hiding the knife

When you finally arrived at the kitchen sanzu smiled it's Obvious that he know that you gonna stab him

While you and sanzu are eating he spoke

"So baby"


"You don't have a plan to go back at your work?"He asked make you stop

You look at him "no" you answered and get back to eat again

"Good to hear"He said and you nod

After you and sanzu done eating he left early because of his work and you cleaning the table after you washed the dishes. You think if you will go to work

You took a quick shower and change and you change the bandage of your wound that you been do. Sanzu didn't hit you all of this was you made

You wear a scarf and you look at the mirror you been wrapped by your clothes but it's the only way you can hide those wound and bruise

You took a taxi and you pay for it and when you finally arrived at your work place you walk heading to the elevator and pressed the floor where you work in

You don't know why but your director didn't remove you from the work. Before the elevator close someone enter and it's look familiar to you


You look up and you see Mio. You feel relief when He look fine but a scar was visible in his neck and you start to blame your self

"Mio,are you okay?"You asked

"Yes,how about you big sis? Did sanzu never set you free?...I'm sorry....if I was fast but we need your cooperation to catch sanzu Haruchiyo I mean my brother need you so you can be free again"Mio said

"But how?"

"Don't worry my brother can help"

You didn't come to work and also Mio and you and Mio are now waiting at the place where Yoshin told you two to go somewhere safe

You still feel nervous did you really want sanzu to be in Jail. A minute later Yoshin arrived he sit next to his brother

"It's been a long time y/n are you okay?"Yoshin worried asked and you nod

"Am? Are you really...to cooperate to this case y/n?"Yoshin said and you nod

He told you about the bonten and some of he tell was you didn't know and he told you that it's almost fifteen times that sanzu and Yoshin in counter

"I was lucky to still alive after in countering sanzu Haruchiyo"Yoshin said

Now you know how really dangerous sanzu is. You almost back out of the plan but you think about the good and the bright side when this work

"Just be brave y/n" Mio said and so Yoshin agree with that

"But how can you tell that I'm not on his side? What if I'm a spy"You said but they smiled

"We know that you won't be part of that bonten and we know that you know it's wrong to be a criminal, so we can thrust you"Yoshin said and you nod

"Then,can you tell me where they hideout?,is not that we gonna ambush them if we do that we will lost a lot of ally" he added

"I don't know where exactly it is but it's just near in..."you said and touch your head "I don't know..."

"Calm down y/n"Yoshin calmly said

"don't push yourself to much"

You took a deep breath

"But I know where haru- sanzu live"You said

"Okay y/n this is the plan...I'm gonna tell you this so I can tell this to the chief"He said


You open the door in the house and there's no sanzu so you come to your room and let yourself drop in the bed and you about to fall asleep but you open your eyes when the door open

You start to feel nervous when you see sanzu standing in near at the door.you sit in the bed and so he come to you;. You remember what Yoshin said stay calm

"Baby,where did you go?"He huskily said

Your heart beat was beating so fast

"I just...go to work"Your voice crack and he look at you confused

"Really? Then why you here in the Noon...I bet you will be home at night"He said and stop in front of you

"I-uh... Don't want to go work, so I come home"You said

"I don't want to work too... let's spend our time together"He said and pulled you into a kiss and so you two drop in the bed

ADDICTION and OBSESSION||Sanzu Haruchiyo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now