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Nobody pov:

"Sit in my nose"Haruchiyo huskily said that feel your lower vibrates because of his voice

"That so embarrassing"You whisper

You startled when he push you to sit in his nose that touched your lower by his nose


"It's smells good"He whisper

You bite your hand you don't want him to stop this but you feel embarrassed you only want a cigarette and delete that video you think you that to far

"Am? I change my mind haru"You said

He look at you and his grip in your legs gone you sit in his chest

"What do you mean"Haruchiyo said and took something in his pocket

You gulp when you see a box of cigarettes in his hand

"Well,I'm going to delete that video"He said and open his phone

He make you see it and he really delete it.

"Make me cum"He said when he sit and you sit in his lap and hold in his shoulder "without using this"He said and touch your lower

"So that mean I'm gonna use my mouth again?"You asked and stand up

"Yes, if you want"

Pull yourself together y/n this is for your beloved cigarettes you thought. You hold Haruchiyo's belt and start to remove it

You touch the zipper and Haruchiyo touch your hand and make it touch his d!ck inside his pants

"Hear my heart beat baby"He whisper that make you feel nervous but you just nod

He help you to open his pants and pulled his d!ck out in his brief your eye wide when it's standing so hard you see this but you think it's become bigger

"It's so big"You whisper

"You see this so many times but you still shock"he said and hold your hair

You hold in his d!ck while he moving you closer to his d!ck. You open your mouth and slowly put his d!ck inside your mouth

"God..your mouth is hot"He moaned softly

When it's now half in your mouth because your mouth can't take it all but sometimes Haruchiyo push it further but you can't take it so long inside your mouth because you start to feel pain in your chin

You moved you head slowly and Haruchiyo grip in your hair and make you move your head up and down faster

"Ah...You teeth is hurt"He moaned

You try not to make your teeth touch his d!ck so he won't feel hurt but you can't you know that your not good at this

A minute later he start to move your head up and down and moving his hips you know that your teeth is touching his d!ck but he seems no bother

"Wait"You said when you can finally spoke when your head being controlled by him

Every he move your head up and down faster you can only let him do it you thought there's nothing you can do you just need to obey him and take his fucking cigarette

"Ah...y/n"He moaned and he push your head to take his d!ck deeper inside your mouth

You quickly pull and he let you. You start to cough when his d!ck touched your throat and you just realized he cum in your face

"Here baby"he said and give you a cigarette

"Wow finally"you lazily whisper and put the cigarette in your mouth

He light up your cigarette and so he put a cigarette in his mouth. You sit in the bed next to him and wipe your face

"Next time use your boobs"Haruchiyo said and you just nod

You feel relaxed again after that stressed day with Haruchiyo this cigarette make your day

You are busy at enjoy your cigarette and you notice that Haruchiyo keep looking at you. You look like him 'what?' but he chuckled

And you just realized you never been wear your clothes. You quickly took the white bath clothes that dropped in the floor and you wear it

You quickly run to the bathroom to wash your face and take your time in there to enjoy your cigarette. You just sitting in the bathtub and chilling in there

You keep thinking you was so addicted to cigarettes doing what he wants for a cigarette. You took a deep breath and throw the cigarette butt in the trashcan

You come out in the bathroom and there's no Haruchiyo. You wear a clothes and come outside in your room and come to his room

You see him wiping his katana and talking to someone in his phone. You rolled your eyes why you have to see him here you can just fall asleep

You come to your room again and fall asleep


You busy at your work when someone spoke you look up to see who is it and it's Yoshin

"Yoshin,can I help you?"I asked

"Am? I just want to asked if Mio...if you see Mio"He asked and look around

"I didn't, why? Is there something wrong?"You asked and stand up

"Yeah, kinda...can we talk?"He asked and you nod

The break time come and you and Yoshin are now in the coffee shop.

"Y/n, I want to asked about Sanzu Haruchiyo"

You was so stunned to speak.

"I....I d-don't..."Your words cut when he hold your hand

"Y/n, I know you know him...I can help you with this, you can trust in me"He said

His voice was comforting you but you are afraid about what will happen next

"Did Mio tell you about it?"You said while looking at your hand holding by his

"Yes...I feel bad for you"He said

You breath start to feel heavy you believe what Mio said he won't tell anyone. People never keep there promise

"And about that Mio...he was lost"Yoshin said that make you look up


A/n: oh right and I was planning to make naoto a ff HAHA. What should I do I'll write?

ADDICTION and OBSESSION||Sanzu Haruchiyo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now