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Sanzu sit in my thigh when he finally pull my short and panties and when he finally removed his top he put his two hand in my waist and move his hand like he massaging my body curve I stop him by hold in his hand

It's not that it's my first time the time when I lost my virginity is when my dad died and I was so drunk that time and a guy approach me it's a fucking one night stand after that I promise to my self never get drunk again or get involved at doing some adult stuff

He hold my two wrist and put them together he hold my two hand by his hand he used forced and I can't tak my hand

He rip the dress that my mom gives me and my body exposed "This dress is so cheap you don't need this anymore" he said and unlock my bra

How can he unlock my bra just by his one hand even I am i can't do that. He removed his hand in my hand and with his hot palm he massage my breast and touch my nipples

He so good at doing it I don't know it's feels good I close my eyes and try to remove his hand but his finger that touched my nipples his so fucking good

He stop and I feel relaxed he placed him self between my thigh I try to stop him but he point a gun on me

"Scared?"He said and laughed

He hold my thigh tight and open it with forced I cover my eyes and keep thinking why I can't face the gun

I feel his hot hand touch my cl*t he move his finger in my lower slowly and I feel the wet sound that been touched. I'm wet?

"Fucking! idiot bitch! Psychopath! Creepy! Ahhhhhh! Bitch! Bitch!" I shout and kick like crazy

"I Guess I need to tie you" he said and I stop and i open my eyes

He removed the belt in my neck and wrapped it in my hand she lock it so tight and it's hurt when I move it

He make my thigh open so wide and I feel my back hurt but i feel something hitting my lower I look at Sanzu that biting a cond*m he open it with his teeth.I saw him put it in his d*ck and I close my thigh but sanzu open it again

"Now" he whisper and rub his long thing in my lower

I bite my lips when he hit my cl*t but I startled when he find the hole and push it. I know it's not my first time but why it's hurt

"What's wrong? Is this your first time?"He asked

I shake my head as no "it's so big"I said and he move his hand to meet my cl*t again

"Really?" Sanzu said and moved his hand in my pussy

I moaned low and he thrust me and he still moving his hand in my cl*t and it's hurt but it's fucking good. When I moaned his name he move faster he lift my right thigh up and put it in his shoulder

I cover my mouth with my hands and look at the pink haired guy that keeps thrusting me he took my hand and he look at me I try not to look at him but I see my self in the mirror

I keep looking at my self in the mirror that been thrusting by sanzu I bite my lips when I feel the high I feel something forming in my stomach

"God,your pussy is so soft"He said

Every thrust he made i moaned and I feel my c*m dripping to my a*ss I stop moaning when he stop and we catching our breath

"That was fun"He whisper

He pulled his d*ck in my wet hole and I sit he take off the used cond*m and he tied it and throw in the floor

He stand up and took another cond*m in the drawer I tiredly look at him my tears drop. What the fuck? Why I'm crying i'm so ugly when I cry!!! .I cover my face when I see my self in the mirror again

"Crying again,huh"Sanzu said and throw the a pill in me

I took it and look at him after I wiped my tears

"Drink that if you want to cry again"He said and come closer to me again

"Your mother sale you to me because she doesn't love you anymore"he said

I blink many times and my lips shake and I cried again.fuck this life

"I'm the only one who cares for you"He said and sit in the bed closer to me "So do your thing"

"M-mom, don't love me anymore?"I asked and sanzu nod

"She only love money and drugs, she even sale her beautiful girl just for a fucking money"Sanzu said 

"You only want love,right baby?"Sanzu asked and hold my chin

I nod

"Let's make a deal"Sanzu said again and remove his hand in my chin he sit straight and exhaled "I'll love you forever in exchange you will do the same"

I nod

"Promise?"I said and show my little finger

He laughed "childish"He said

"W-what? So it's not a promise?"I said and start to cry again

"promise" he said and put his little finger to my little finger I give him a smile and he just smirk

"Now wipe your face....you look ugly when you cry" sanzu said and He took the ripped dress and give to me

"I don't want that it's a from a witch"I said and wipe my tears with my hand

"Can you ride?"

"H-huh?... ride?"I said

"I guess I need to teach you"Sanzu said and pull me to sit in his lap

"You said you will love me if I do the same, right? But doing this adult stuff is..."

"We are adult,dumb ass....do you want to die without feel being fucked?"Sanzu said

I don't know but I shake my head. Did really mom hate me? Is she doesn't love me anymore?

A/n: did I do it fast?...I'm not thinking when I writing this I just type and type

ADDICTION and OBSESSION||Sanzu Haruchiyo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now