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"Haitani Ran"

I open my eyes and saw sanzu sleeping next to me I sit and noticed that I wear nothing and I find my clothes in the floor I try to get out in the bed when sanzu hand gripping in my wrist

"Stay a little longer"He whisper

I get back in the bed and cover my body with the blanket I startled when i feel sanzu hand in my chest. Is he a monster or what? He use me last night until the sun start to come, probably he doesn't know the word tired

I shocked when he do nothing but hug me with his one hand that in my chest . I look at him that closing his eyes I never thought that a guy will have this long eyelashes surely her mother or sister has a long eyelashes too. I tried to touch his eyelashes but he open his eyes

"Do you have a work today?"He asked

I nod as answer. Weird he being nice today last night he hurt me and I can still feel my body hurt including my lower

"You can't go in work today we need to fuck"He said

What the fuck?!

I look down expecting him to do something but he laughed

"Kidding"He said

He removed his hand in chest and stand up my eyes went wide when I see his whole body I never seen abs in real life before he even has a tattoo in his hand my eyes went down and see his d!ck. What the heck it's not like I'm a pervert. Am I gonna be a Pervert? Yuck!

I quickly look down and he walk heading to the bathroom he turn around to me and spoke

"What are you waiting for? Come here"He said and enter the bathroom

What? We gonna shower together?

I stand up and headed to the bathroom while covering my body with my hand. When I finally get in the bathroom sanzu quickly pulled me. I shocked when a water drop in my head

"We gonna shower together?"I asked

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that I already own you"He said

We shower together but his hand was such a damn traveler. He always touch my waist and any part of my body that he want he even pull me closer to him and smell my neck and thankfully he didn't do any yucky stuff .After we done showering we wear a white bath clothes

"I'll pick you up tonight"He said and leave the room

I took a sigh and find a clothes in the cabinet after I dressed up I begin to comb my hair and tie them and took my bag in the floor

I walk downstairs and saw sanzu looking at his phone while playing with his red medicine that surely there's a cocaine Inside. I rolled my eyes and stop in front of him

"How long are you gonna keep me in your house?"I said

"Until you die"He said and stand up and start to walk

"Are you really that crazy?"I said and follow him "if I die you gonna abandon me, rig-"

My words cut when he turn around and put the medicine in my mouth and close my mouth

"Baby"He calmly said "You getting on my nerves"He said with his annoyed voice

He let go and hold my wrist and pulled me outside. I took the drug in my mouth and throw it. We stop in front of his car and he took something inside and it's a scarf. I moved backward when He wrapped it in my neck but he do it gently

"Use this to hide your bruise"He said and open the driver seat

"Ha! So you feel sorry"I said



Before we headed to my work place we stop at a restaurant to eat and after we done eating we headed to my work place

We arrived at my working place and I open the car door next to me but sanzu stop me I look at him

"What?"I said

"Give me your number"He said and took my phone in my bag

"Really? remove your password"He command and throw my phone in my face

I catch my phone before it fall and remove my password and find my phone number and I give him my phone

While he dialing my phone number to save it I was busy looking at his Adam's apple. I never seen a Adam's apple in close my eyes move to see his eyelashes and I shocked when he looking at me

"Do I look that handsome?"He said with his flirty voice

"Tsk!"I said and took my phone

I open the car door and close it I look around if there's Mio I don't want him to get involved at this shit. Before I can go away sanzu pull my hand

"Stop being stubborn I'm forcing myself to be nice"He said with his husky voice

He removed his hand in my hand and start his engine. I exhaled when he finally leave finally that ugly-or maybe his not ugly but his attitude is ugly so he's the most ugliest person I ever met in my whole life

Am I really that stubborn?. I start to walk heading inside the building and enter the elevator

I startled when someone hand touch my shoulder. I quickly turn around and saw the purple haired man the look older one

"Oh? What a coincidence"He said with his deep voice

I awkwardly smile

"What's your name?"He asked and move closer to me

"Y/n sir"I said and hold my elbow

"How did you met Sanzu?"He asked again while waiting for the elevator to open

"We met..."

How should I say it? Should I say sanzu buy me and asked for his help no he is sanzu friend and he surely a criminal too

"It's was my mother"I said

He look at me "your mother?"he confusedly asked

When the elevator door open I quickly get out in the elevator and so he is. He follow me until I Arrived at my section and he was heading to director office

"I'm Haitani Ran"He said and tap my shoulder

I look at him and he wink at me he turn around and start to walk heading to the director office

ADDICTION and OBSESSION||Sanzu Haruchiyo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now