Chapter 11

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Driving home i was on a high, i felt like im living a dream just this morning i was going into school thinking just get through the year now im 'dating?' two guys and just let them do all that to me in the middle of a field. Am i crazy or something i mean they told me everything about who they are and what they have to become after school and that i could be put in danger but i feel safe with them i don't feel afraid of them at all, is that crazy?. Pulling up to my house i park in my spot and cut the engine. Walking into my house its dark and silent like i knew it would be it is one am and i have to be up in a few hours. Walking down up to my room, i peel off all my cloths right away and hope into a hot shower since im leaving right after i get dressed in the morning. Standing in the shower i run my hands down my body closing my eyes remembering my guys running there hands and mouths all over me, i smile i can't wait to feel that again.

Jumping out the shower i walk into my room and put on my pjs and climb into bed. Grabbing my phone i message the guys "im home safe, showered and in bed now" i say to them. "good now get some sleep princess" wes says "good night princess" ace says "goodnight boys see you in few hours" i tell them. They don't say anything back so i roll over and plug my phone in and fall into the best nights sleep i had in a long time. Waking in the morning well more like four hours later i get up with a groan, its going to be a long day im going to need coffee but that will wait until i get to the boys house. Rolling out of bed i walk over to my closet, i end up going with purple ripped skinny jeans, a black tshirt that fits my body tightly might as well show off my hard work and like always combat boots these ones have little violet roses on the heel, light make up like always, hair up today to show off the purple and lastly i add some rings to my fingers today. i grab all my things hanging my key on my hip on my chain throw on my jacket then run down the stairs to head out the door right away.

My luck at getting out before my mother can stop me doesn't work "violet get in here" she yells from the kitchen so i walk in there with an annoyed look "what mother i have to go pick up a friend" i tell her "oh im so happy you and kat are talking again" she says way to happy. "sorry to burst your happy bubble but its not kat, she's dead to me mother, i made friends with the new kids in school they great i have to go get tess now" i say starting to turn to leave. "why wont you just forgive kat and adam already? they are whats best for you" she says making me stop. she cant be for real "i will never forgive them mother adam fucked kat for a year mother i walked in on them and im better off with out them i wasn't the real me with them now i am who i have always been im happy in my own skin now, my father knew who i am, always told me to be true to myself and now i am being me mother i didnt just decide one day to change who i was mother i have always wanted this mom its me can't you just for once open your eyes and see me!" i yell at her, she doesn't respond so i turn and leave her there.

After i left my house i drove so fast to the guys house i was so mad and felt like crying but i wont let myself i wont let her ruin my day for me. Pulling up i text the guys to open the gate so i can drive inb parking my bike by the garage. Walking to the front door i see a very sleepy half dressed wes standing there with a cup of coffee for me "good morning beautiful" he says then kisses the top of my head "good morning, is that for me?" i say with a smile. "yes it is i didnt know how you took is so i just made it like i make mine if its wrong i can make you another" he say i take the cup and take a sip not bad one more sugar and it would be spot on i think. "its great just one more sugar and it would be perfect but this is fine" i say with a smile "okay note three sugars not two, well come on up you can go sit with tess while she gets ready i need a shower and to wake ace up hes a pain in the ass to get up" he says with a laugh. We walk up stairs and he shows me where tess's room is, i knock and here a 'come in' so i walk in "good morning tess you okay?" i ask because she throwing cloths all over her room "oh my god thank god your here no i cant decided if i should wear pink pant or black" she says running up to my and pulling me to sit on her bed. "well im wearing purple as you cam see so i say pink" i tell her "oh my god yes thank you and ill wear a black shirt also and then my leather jacket since im riding with you today, oh all the guys but seth are riding there bikes to school also seth will bring out bags and then we can put our helmets in his car" she says while throwing on her cloths then fixing her hair a little her make up is already done. "sounds great by the way whats with you and seth?" i ask her and she turns red right away. In a whisper "we are kinda seeing each other but don't tell my brothers please we are seeing how this work first then we will tell them" she says to me. "my lips are sealed" i say with a smile.

"okay come one my mom wants to meet you and she made breakfast" tess says to me after grabbing her things. We walk down stairs and she leads me to the kitchen where i see a beautiful women plating up food. "good morning mom, this is vi or violet" she says to her mom. "good morning sweety and so happy to meet you violet, have a seat you two and take a plate do your have any special requests for breakfast violet" her mother asks me. "no mrs michaels this is great im not picky and no allergy's to food and you can call my vi most people do" i tell her taking a plate and sitting down "well great now call me penny please and do you need more coffee there i saw wes came in and made a cup thought it was for him but he made it for you i see" she asks me "yes please going to be a long day for me didn't get in till one am then work up four hours later and after school i have practice for my fight this weekend" i say to penny she pour more coffee in my cup and set milk and sugar on the table for me "thank you penny" i say to her. "your welcome now tell me about yourself and this fight you have" she says walking over to the stove to flip more bacon.

"yes princess tell us about you and this fight" the twins says after walking in a kisses my head. Tess gives me a questioning look i mouth later to her and she nods. "well my names violet rose winters, i have my biological fathers last name, which im grateful for now that hes gone, he was in a car accident with a drunk driver coming to get me two years ago, i don't really get along with my mother now a days since i changed my look completely believe it or not i was head cheerleader and a blonde and wore dresses everyday had no tattoos or piercings, im a boxer, i work at my gym i train at and at a small cafe when they need me, i own my dream motorcycle that needs one more paint job then she will be perfect, lastly i have fights every couple weekends i go by violet rose or just rose as you heard eric call me yesterday , he is my trainer he found me one night punching a wall and taught me everything i know and has made me the best girl in my weight class" i tell everyone.

Penny walks over to me "im sorry for your loss sweety that must be hard and your mother is missing out your beautiful how you are and lastly you must get us some seats to this fight the whole family if you don't mind" she says taking my hand. "thank you and yea ill ask eric to have a section roped off for all of you just need to know how many" i say taking the laat bite of my food. "lets call it twenty people i may call in some friends to come that love boxing" she says "okay great ill let eric know and have him put your tickets at the front door for you on hold as well as back stage passes for everyone" i tell her. "okay great now you all enjoy your food, vi your welcome here always day or night, boys give her a keys to get in and a button for the gate, now i have to get ready for the day have a good day school and don't be late" she says before walking off.

We all finish our breakfast everyone else but the girls come down shortly after penny left. They guys said abby and beth will drive them selfs to school they run late always. With that we all walk out the door to get on all our bikes, tess gets her helmet and we all throw our bags into the trunk of seths car. Then we all head out to school with me leading the way, the twins behind me, mark and parker behind them and leo in the back and seth following in his car.

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