Chapter 45

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  ***Leo pov***
  Violet smashes her lips to mine and I cave I don't know why I feel this way around her but everything around me falls away around her my walls I keep up around me fall the minute I look her in the eyes. I let myself be vulnerable around her I never let anyone see this side of me. I hate feeling weak but with her I don't feel weak I feel safe and okay to let the walls crumble around me. I grab her neck and deepen the kiss, I've never needed anything this much like I do her. She wraps her arms around my neck pulling on hair a little making me groan. If i don't stop im going to want her more then just this kiss but she is sore as hell. I pull away from the kiss my forehead on hers we are both panting, "better?" she asks me giggling a little. I smile at her " yes much thank you and holy shit that was a good kiss" I tell her.
  Here is a little secret no one really knows about me, I'm not the man whore they think I am yes I have girls hang all over me all the time but I'm a umm virgin that was my first kiss. Even thinking about it makes me blush, Im sure Vi notices "are you blushing Leo?" she asks me. "umm kinda just thinking about something embarrassing is all" I tell her. "Well then I must know come on spill while I eat" she says pulling the food closer to us, "umm no its embarrassing for me to talk about" I tell her. She lets out a huff "okay seriously I just got fucked hard in front of you, the whole house had to hear me, im sure I felt other people walk by and watch me get dicked by two guys and cum what was it five times, Ill tell you something is you tell me ask me anything ill answer" she days to me taking a big bite of her burger.
  she is right Adam, seth, mark and Park walked by at one point and didn't stay they were trying to figure out why she wanted me in here. "okay I'll tell you but first tell me, have you always been a freak in bed?" I ask her, she lets out a laugh and looks at me. "I was a virgin until the night I moved in here, this whole freak in bed thing is new to me they take control I just do as im told, out there not in the bedroom im the bossy one and they let it in here they are in control and um we don't do it all the time, its the only thing I control since they never go easy on me they give me breaks for as long as I need they don't do gentle" she tells me honestly. Im taken aback "wow I didn't know that I just thought you know Adam and you" I say to her she laughs "yea no it's why he cheated I wouldn't fuck him and now looking back Im happy I didn't because I didn't love him" she says to me.
  Now that she says something I want my first to be with someone I love looking at her smiling I know I want it to be her I don't know why but Its her. She takes another bite of her burger "okay now spill Im listening" she says taking a bring of her water. Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes "I'm not the player everyone thinks I am Im a virgin" I ramble out eyes still closed not wanting to see her face.
  ***violet pov***
  Then he tells me he is a virgin im so surprised but then again not so much, yea he always has girls on his arms but he never takes them to his room never even kisses them. Oh my good was I his first kiss, he still has his eyes closed. Pushing the food away from me I get up and climb onto his lap straddling him. Grabbing his face with my hands "look at me Leo" I tell him he shakes his head no, "Leo look at me right now" I demand him, I can tell he is very submissive. He opens his eyes to look at me "Leo you don't not need to be embarrassed, am I surprised yes at first but now that I think about it I have never seen you take any girl to your room let alone kiss them, Leo was I your first kiss?" I ask him. He tried to hide his face from me but I pull his arms down "no hiding talk to me, this room is your safe space, you are free to be vulnerable here speak your mind here be you right here no judgement" I tell him. He takes a deep breath "yes you were my first kiss and damn it was good, and yea Ive never taken any girls to my room honestly I don't let anyone in there it's like getting into my head I don't let anyone in but you I can't help but let in what are you doing to me Vi im so afraid of being weak around anyone but you make me just want to melt and let you in.. I can't get you out of my head, watching you with my best friends has been torture for me.. and when they confronted ms about having feelings for you I thought I was dead and all I could think about is shit please don't let them harm Vi in any way but then they were okay with it and thought you felt the same and are okay with it which I don't understand" he rambles off loosing his breath.
  I smile at him "my Leo my sweet Leo, I saw right through your tough exterior baby boy, not hard to see the real you if you look close enough, remember I was broken for years alone putting up tough walls all around me, I put on a different me when I become Rose in that ring during a fight, past those doors I turn into badass Violet that scares everyone, I mean come on I think I even scare the twins outside this room, I put terror into Adams family and they kicked him out, my own mother about passed out seeing me strap two pistols to my back this morning I mean come one look at this" I say pulling the small dagger out of my hair finally. "I mean come on I had this in my hair this whole time and look three guns right there on my bed side table, four daggers over there on my vanity, another three on my book shelves, extras bullets all over this room but sitting right here in your lap I feel safe and like I don't need any of this" I say throwing the dagger across the room into the wall. "Even with vulnerable you I feel safe, Wes and Ace are vulnerable too behind close doors we are all vulnerable with each other so don't be afraid to let this your heart open up abd become vulnerable let this your head relax in this room be yourself don't hide from me ever I promise in this room to always be the real me the vulnerable girl I really am the girl broken from her father dying and leaving her all alone, the girl who has not let anyone know the real her for all of her life, I took my fathers death to break me down to force me to be the real me, this is me Leo all of me nothing fake in this room this is me broken vulnerable Violet who today gave her life over to become apart of this family because I feel like me here, so Leo let me in, let me see you behind closed doors let me in out there put up those walls if you need but im here no matter what you need to let them down you pull me in my room, Ace's room, Wes's room or your room and be vulnerable I will never judge you and Leo I like you more then you know and if Wes and Ace are okay with you becoming apart of us then sorry your stuck with me now" I tell him while holding his face, by now he has tears running down his face.

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