Chapter 69

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  Its the day of graduation, im currently sitting in Tess's room as she gets me ready for the ceremony in a few hours which woth then turn into a party at our place so they Penny and peter can hand over the leader ship to the guys and me. Im so nervous seeing as in the next week will we all be moving to london and we will haven't found out who attacked us and it's really starting to get to me big time making me very angry at times. My emotions have been all over the place for weeks now im starting to think I might be pregnant with my other meds I take it could have messed up my pill. I look at Tess "can you ask mom to come to the room" I ask her, she looks at me funny "I think I might be pregnant Tess im scared I need your mom please" I say to her. Her eyes go wide she nods her head and texts her mom then grabs my hands. "Have you missed a pill are you sure" she asks me, I start to cry thankful she hasn't done my make up yet. "my emotions are all over the place and I've been a little nauseous for weeks now I think I am.. my other meds could of messed up my pill omg what if I am the guys what will they think"I say starting to freak out.
  Tess grabs me and pulls me close to her "shhh they will be excited trust me and we will find out moms bringing some tests with her okay" she says just as the room opens. She walks right over to me and I fling my arms around her "im so scared what if im pregnant" I say sobbing into her arms. She rubs my back "shh if you are you will be okay you have three guys that love you now come on go take this test so with can know for sure" she says to me. I pull back and rub my face to wipe the tears away, I take the test and go to the bathroom. I sit down and pee on the test then flush and walk to the sink ans wash my hands. I take the test and sit on the floor just wanting to me alone while I wait for it to tell me if I am or not. What feels like forever but it only five minutes I look at the test ans gasp out loud then start to cry again.
  Tess and Penny walk into the bath room and sit down in front of me "are you okay sweety it's okay you can try again when your ready" Penny says but I look up at her and smile handing her the test and whisper "im going to be a mommy" with a smile on my face. Im going to be a mom I say over and over to myself making me smile more. Tess and Penny both squeal so loud im sure everything could hear amd pull me into a hug. "im going to be and aunty" Tess squealed again, "im going to be a grandma" Penny says as they both hold me. "im going to me a mom omg im going to be a mom! omg ive been drinking! omg my pills!" I start yelling freaking out. Penny grabs my face "calm down we will get you to a doctor tomorrow okay" she says helping me calm down. My eyes go wide "omg who's the father omg the guys don't tell them I want to tell them my self" i say to them.
  They both agree then Tess sets back to helping me get ready while Penny goes to do some more work for tonight. I sit smiling in the chair " im going to be a mom" i whisper putting a hand on my belly. Tess smile at me and nods at my while she works on my make up now. I can't believe im going to be a mom... I'm happy but how will the guys react we haven't even talked about kids. A million things are running through my head right now. Tess finishes up my make up, "okay im done go get ur dress on" she tells me so I do which happens to be a custom made dress that Penny had made for me.  Its a light grey color with a corset top part with a black lace rose design its very pretty and fall just above my knees. After putting it on I look at the mirror and smile and put my hand on my belly. Tess is standing behind me "your going to hate me but im going to cry I need to tell them now I can't wait Tess" I say turning to her. She smiles at me "ill bring your make up to fix you go tell your guys about the news" she says giving me a big hug.
  Walking down the hall to our room where I know the guys are because I hear them arguing over something. Walking in I look at them "no we are to wear the purple not the back you idiot" Ace yells at Wes. I giggle getting there attention "princess you look beautiful but what are you doing here?" Ace says to me, I smile "I have some thing to tell you three and I prefer the purple it look great on you guys" I say to them. "I told you idiot she would like the purple" Ace says slapping Wes making me giggle at them, Leo walks up to me "Are you okay baby?" he asks me making the other two look at me. I just stare at all three of them.. so worried they won't be ready for this we haven't talked about it at all. Taking a deep breath "you may want to sit down please" I tell them, they all listen and sit down on the couch in our room I step in front of them. "Okay first off im okay I promise.. but you know how i have been emotional and not feeling that great right?" I ask them They don't say a word just nod at me. " Well I know why.." I try to say but start to cry a little, they all grab me somewhere ans pull me closer to them "shh baby what is it your you sick what's wrong baby let us help please" Wes says to me.
  With shaking hands I pull out the pregnancy test "im pregnant" I all but whisper holding out the test. They are all just sitting there not saying a word just looking at me then the test then me again. "God please say something I just found out like an hour ago and im freaking out here" I say to them. They all look at each other then stand up right in front of me Wes right in front of me the others next to him. "We are going to ve dads?" he asks me and all I can do is nod and once I do Ace yells yes so loud im sure the whole house hears and picks me up spinning me around making me giggle. He puts me down then drops down in front of me and kisses my belly then looks at me then the guys who walk over and kneel down too kissing my belly "our baby is in here guys" Ace says to the guys making mw giggle more. One by one they stand up and kiss me Ace and Wes first and lastly Leo who is crying , I grab his face "are you okay leo baby?" I ask him. He smiles at me "im more then okay im so happy I've always wanted a family of my own and now we are" he says touching my belly then kissing me.
  My smile fades a little as I start to worry a little about things they notice right away "hey what's wrong baby you okay?" they ask me. I look at them "promise me that no matter who the bio father out of you three you will all love this baby no matter what" I say to them. They walk closer to me and wrap there arms around me "we promise no matter what and plus we don't want to know who out of us is biologically the father unless medically needed we have talked about this together once we will all will father this baby no matter what princess" Ace says holding my face wiping my tears away. I smile at him and nod understanding "okay now we will talk more about this in my car we need to get going oh umm tess and Penny know they were there when I took then test" I say to them. They all agree to talk more in the car on the way to the school for graduation. We all leave the room and I find Tess who fixes my make up really fast then we all head out to the school.

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