Chapter 72

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Three months pregnant today we find out what we are having and Im so excited because then I can start on he nursery room. Im just so happy to not have the need to throw up anymore daily. I was finally able to get back to training with Leo, granted I wont be getting in a ring anymore for a while but I'm wanting to stay in shape.

Tess has been put in charge of the gender reveal so she knows what we are having and she is so excited. She took time out of her down time this weekend to do this for us. Things here have been crazy busy between my guys going to meetings to them searching for the person behind the massive manicure on new years. Weekdays I see them in the mornings then not again until dinner, that was a rule we made from the start. Unless they had late night deals to make they were always home for dinner phones shut off giving me their full attention. Leo normally just stays around the house he has pretty much stuck to what he loves most training people. I also have a lot of paper work I do as the Queen, I take care of all the families and everyone else that lives here. I make sure everyone has everything they need at all times, I make sure everything here tuns smoothly.


Waking up I find that I'm alone in bed which is not normal so I get up and quickly get dressed. Walking down the hall to the elevator I go to the first floor where the offices are. Opening the door I see that it's empty so I head towards where Leo would be maybe he knows Where Wes and Ace are. Walking down the hall back to the elevator I get in and had to the basement floor. Once he door opens I hear Leo yelling out instructions so I walk down and around the corner. I stop dead in my tracts as I watch Wes and Ace running around sweating like crazy and practically panting.

Leo sees me trying not to laugh at them and smiles at me waving me over to him. I walk over to him, he kisses my head right away "good morning baby sorry we weren't in bed we hoped to be done before you woke up" he says. "Its okay seeing this is worth it, they are out of shape" I say. "Yeah Someone told Wes he was getting fat, he didn't like that so they woke me up early to get a session and to not take it easy" he says. "Oh no who told Wes that?" I ask, "who do you think?" He says. "It was Parker wasn't it?" I say and he nods. I watch them for a little while longer then look to Leo "ten more minutes then showers we have breakfast then the gender reveal" I say. He bends down "okay we will be in the dinning room soon" he says.

Walking out I pass Wes And Ace on the treadmills and smile at them "come on boys im three months pregnant and I do better then that" I say with a smile. They flip me off making me giggle and shake my ass as I leave "love you too" I say as im rounding the corner. Once up stares I held to the kitchen to check on breakfast. I normally cook but our maid Lilly loves cooking our breakfast for us so we let her. Plus while I have bad morning sickness she was a big help making out meals. Walking in it smells amazing, I smile at Lilly "good morning Lilly it smells amazing in here" I say. She turns to me "good morning Violet, thank you I made today special all your favorites for the special day" she says. "Thank you Lilly it all smells amazing I'll be in the garden please let me know when its ready the guys will be up in fifteen" I say. "I will, it should be done by the time they come up I'll be sure to add some smoothies for them too" she says.

Out in the garden I walk around with my basket wanting to bring some fresh flowers into the house for the room and maybe a few other places too. I pick everything and enjoy the sunshine, shortly Lilly comes to find me to tell me it ready. I give her the flowers and ask her to put one vase in our room then she can decide where else in the house for the rest. Walking in my boys are sitting at the table already, taking my seat next to Ace today I smile when he kisses my head. "We beat you" he says, I smile "I was picking flowers for the house Lilly came to get me" I said. Lilly walks in then pushing the cart with our plates. She serves me first always then who im next to then goes around table to the last two. She gives each of us a green smoothie and all the guys look at it and scrunch up their noses at it.

I giggle picking up my glass "oh come on it's good for I drink one every day drink it" I say. They all sigh and take a sip, I can tell they hate it but it's good for them all that junk they eat every day at lunch isn't good for them. Leo eats better then them because he eats with me but of Wes and Ace have to so does he its fair. We all eat our food and drink our smoothies then head to the movie room to relax because Tess told us we are to stay out of her way and she is taking over the whole back yard. I end up taking a nap mid way through our movie.

A few hours later I'm all ready for the little gender reveal. We decided on a purple and Black theme, penny and Peter can't be here so we are filming the whole thing. We even plan to send the news to my mom so she knows she will be a grandmother. Im sad she can't be here in person but she's better off safe and I know she's happy living the life she alway wanted. Tess did a beautiful job decorating the out side its perfect and I told her as much. We mingle with everyone eating and playing games to guess the gender. Two hours in Tess stands in the middle of the yard microphone on hand "alright everyone its the time you have all been waiting for. If mom and dads would please step here in the center We will get started" she says.

We all step into the middle of the yard as Tess hands out blacked out water guns and Silly string. She even hands out confetti canons to some people. Now I understand why she told us to all wear white. "Alright everyone on the count of three" she says, everyone readys "one two three!" She yells out. All At once we are covered in a mix of pinks and purples. I look at my boys who are all smiling like crazy and I know I have tears in my eyes. Ace picks me up and spins me around as the confetti falls all over us. " a princess!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

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