Chapter 35

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  When I woke from my nap I was ambushed by Penny and Tess they planned a whole day pf pampering me it was great. They took my to the spa and got the royal treatment, I got my nails done but nothing fake they will just break and pointless in my mind. They even took me to get my hair done. By the time we got home I was so tired that I crashed before I even got to eat dinner. The boys ended up waking me up at midnight to tell me happy birthday they wanted to be the first ones too. I only stayed up long enough to say thank you then passed back out.
  Its now ten am everyone let me sleep in, I'm just now getting up and taking a shower according to Penny she is bringing in someone to get me ready today so I must shower. Im happy now that at the spa they made me get waxed because I do not want to shave at all today. Getting out of the shower I throw on a robe she also told me not to get dressed. Im honestly starting to regret letting her through me a party now but I know at the end of the night it will be for a good reason. All they anyone keeps asking me is if im nervous and honestly I'm not yea its a little awkward that I have to have sex with both my guys loud enough for everyone to hear. I was even told last night that the door has to be open and if people so wish to watch they are aloud to and I have no say in it so that makes me feel uneasy and I was mad they didn't tell me sooner but I guess they didn't want to scare me off or something. I was mad at first but decided to just let it go and deal with it when is comes.
  Leaving my room I go down to the kitchen to get some food im starving. Walking in Penny is in there yelling at everyone, they are putting last minute decorations around the house. "good morning Penny any food I can eat im starving" I ask her, "oh good morning sweety yes in the oven I left you a plate and happy birthday" she says then yells at one of the guys. Opening the oven I take the plate of food out to heat it up when im done I grab a glass of cold brew and take a seat. When Penny is done yelling at everyone she comes over to me "men dont know how to listen I wish you luck with two I can barely handle my one" she says after falling into the seat next to me. I let out and laugh "they are easy to handle they know whos boss" I say with a smile, she cracks up laughing then gets serious "Violet I know we haven't known each that long but I think of you as a daughter and I want to thank you so coming into our lives you have helped so much, and I understand you are trying to get along with your mother but just know im always here for you for anything no judgment" she says holding my hands. "thank you Penny that means a lot to me and im so happy your two sons decided to drive me crazy on the first day of school"I say with a giggle "oh yea they can be a little annoying trust me I raised them both, but now you will eat, call you mom and see if she wants to come over early free pampering for all the ladies today oh shelly can come too I know your close with her too, the ladies will be here to fix you up in about an hour" she says standing up. I tell her I'll ask them if they want to come and that I may need to go get them if they do they are both bad with directions. She tells me that okay and then heads off to yell at the men some more.
  Pulling out my phone I give my mother a call "Happy birthday my Violet" she yells into my ear, "thanks mother but the yelling please don't do that" I say to her. "Oh im sorry sweety, so are you ready for your party tonight?" she asks me. "Yes I am speaking of which Penny invited you to come over early she's treating all the ladies of the house to pampering, nails, hair and lunch" I say to her. "Really sweety I would love that I can see where you live oh and your room and meet everyone oh yes I'll come" she says all excited, "okay mom do you need me to come by and get you? I also have to pick up shelly she's coming as well" I ask her. "Yes sweety that would be great, I'll have you step dad drive over later" she answers. I tell her okay and that i will be there in a few that I need to get dressed first. Hanging up with my mother I call shelly and she is even more excited to come get pampered she never treats herself. After hanging up with her I walk into my closet to throw on some closes nothing to nice just a pair of jeans and one of the guys shirts.
  Running down the stairs I go to the intercom system in the dinning room "Ace or Wes come to the dinning room please" I say into it, I could text them but just fun saying it through the whole house. A fes minutes later they both come running into the living room all sweaty and shirtless. "Well happy birthday to me" I say to them " like what you see babygirl" Ace says with a wink , "yes i do but I need keys to a car Im picking up my mother and shelly" I say to them both. They both look at each other then smile "well then we can give you present number one from us both come on but you must close your eyes" they said taking my hands to lead me outside.  "oh god what did you guys get me?" I ask them "oh you will see and this is just one present from us" they say pulling me down the front steps. I know they are taking me to the drive way the side they told me to not go on too.
  When we come to a stoo they put my hands down "are you ready?" they ask me, "yes can I open now?" i ask them. "yes one two three open!" they yell and when I open my eyes I see a mate black mustang convertible. Turning to to them "Oh my god! no you guys didn't!" I yell at them, "yes we did do you like? its also stick shift" they say to me. Running up to them not caring if they are sweaty "I love it! thank you so much its my dream car" I said kissing them both. They both laugh "yes we know, now go on take her for a ride, and try to no scare your mother and shelly ans be careful, we love you birthday girl" they both say. "oh my god the keys are in it?" I yell running up to the car , "yes in the sunshade" Ace yells to me. Getting into the car, oh my god they had everything custom made for me violet roses in the seats with black seats the shift nob is violet purple. Putting the keys in I bring her to life and boy does she sound amazing. I already know im going too down so I find the button and push it so to too goes down. Putting her into drive and pull up next to my guys "thank you so much its so beautiful" i say with a big smile, "your welcome love, now be safe and that button opens the gates to get it ans out" he says pointing to te button on the stirring wheel. I thank them again then press the button ans take off down the drive way screaming.

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