Chapter 32

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  I walk to back doors "hey lets go" i yell at Adam, he walks up to me "well i didnt hear yelling or gun fire so im guessing it went good?" he asks me. I laugh "yea it went good shes joining us to try on my dress lets get going" i say to him. Walking to the front door, We walk out side to get back on my bike and wait on my mom. I still have my jacket off so you can see my gun and knifes that im carrying and there are a few neighbor's outside. Adam steps up to me next to my bike "you may want to hide those" he whispers, I chuckle "let them look i dont care they need to get used to it if my mother decides to stay living her with body guards they will always be armed" i say to him. My mom then walks outside "ready to go mom" i yell at her "she sweety ill follow behind you both" she says back. I pull my jacket back on and hand Adam the helmet and get on. Adam then gets on shaking his head at me, "don't judge me Adam or ill drop you at home right now" i yell over my shoulder, "okay im sorry lets go" he yells back.
  Arriving at the dress shop I walk up to the closed shop "sweety its closed you missed them" my mother says but i just knock on the door. A few minutes later a lady walks up and opens the door "good evening ma'ma right this way" she says with a bow on the head then steps out of the way. This shop is run by members, there are a few here that are run by them now so when i walk into those places im always called ma'ma now and they bow there heads, ive gotten used to it. She walks us to a couch that has drinks and snacks on the table. "have a seat while i go get lilly for you" she says and walks away. I grab my drink they have my favorite honey jack and pepsi for me, the guys must have told Penny they let us drink. I then take a seat my mom and Adam are looking at me funny "well sit down will you" i tell them both, they both sit down "sorry but why are they treating you like ummm royalty" my mother asks and adam nods. I let out a laugh "well because I pretty much am, they are member's, they closed the shop so its private for me, im used to this treatment already i just go with it, ive been told it only gets more intense after saturday, they may look in my eyes now but after then ive been told no one will unless i tell them they can" i say then take a sip of my drink.
  They nod there heads and both go to grab and drink "umm i dont know of you want those" i tell them both, they raise there eyebrows "its honey jack and pepsi, its my favorite they keep everywhere stocked with it now for me" i say honestly. My mom looks mad "Violet you put that down you are not twenty one yet!" she yells trying to take my drink. I pull it back away from her "no mother you dont control me anymore that's part of the deal ive been drinking for years now get used to it everyone in that house does, so leave of you can't handle it" i say harshly to her. She steps back from me surprised at how cold i was to her, I just stare at her with no emotion. She then sits down and take a water and adam take a water too. I know i was being cold to her but she needs to understand she can't control me anymore and that when in public are members i have to act a certain way now. Lily finally comes out "Welcome back ma'ma we are all set back here why dont you go put the dress on and ill check to see if any changes need to be made when you come back out" she says with a bow.
  I stand up placing my drink down, pull my jacket off and my holsters with my gun and knifes and place them on the arm of the couch "don't touch those ill be back" i say not looking at anyone downing my drink. I walk back and strip down and pull on my dress. its a very beautiful dress, its short comes to above my knees, a corset and full skirt, its black but under neither there's purple which i love on the corset there are many chains hanging all around it and studs lining the top it shows off my chest tattoo really well. Walking out to the show room where everyone is waiting for me, my mother looked a little disappointed it wasn't a girly dress but im just going to ignore it. Stepping in front of everyone and the mirrors lilly starts right away checking if anything needs to be taken in or out but it feels perfect to me. Lilly looks at me "its perfect, no changes need to be done, ill have it brought to the house amd hung in your room ma'ma" she says to me, "perfect thank you may i go change now?" i ask her. She tells me i cam so i go and put in my cloths and walk back out. I put back on my holsters and jacket then pull out some cash "here for the ladies and you, treat yourself to dinner on me" i say to lilly, she smiles "thank you so much" she says. I tell her its no problem then we all say good bye to everyone.
  Walking back outside my mother pulls me to her but before I let her even speak i do "don't start mother I will uninvite you right now, that dress is perfect for me amd the cash is mine I won it so back off" I tell her. She goes to talk but then closes her mouth, I then speak up again "thank you now i need to get home its been a long day and im tired" i tell her. We say our goodbyes and she leaves, I then turn to Adam "ready to go home?" i ask him, "not really" he answers. I think for a moment "how about a small ride before i drive you home, everyone is out on business late tonight so ill be going home to no one oh and by the way I wont be in school none of will be so if you decided to skip come on over" i say to him while getting on my bike. "I think ill skip then, i dont want to deal with kat and her friends" he says getting on behind me. I groan remembering Abby invited all of them to my party I allowed everyone to invite people of they wanted to, "speaking of them they will all be at my party just a warning" i yell over my shoulder, "great" he says sarcastically all i can do is laugh and pull out to go on a nice ride before taking him home.
  We were sitting at the cliff and I was texting everyone so i turned to Adam, "everyone said if your just going to come by tomorrow you might as well just stay over for the weekend sunday they have a surprise for me and your invited so lets go get your things and car if you want?" o ask him. He looks at me "Why not better then staying at my house right now anyways" he says standing up and helping me up. After a little drive we arrived at Adam's house, his parents were home and they haven't seen me in a long time and they aren't a fan of how Adam is changing. Walking in we hear this mother calling his name so we walk to the living room where they are. "Hey mom and dad" he says "hello dear and who might this be" she says with a little judgment. "Hello mrs. carter its me Violet" i say to her with no emotion, "oh wow well hello Violet nice t see you again" she says. I just nod then turn to Adam "go get your things, i wanna get home" i say to him, "Adam where are you going its a school night" his father demands, his father im used to scare me.. im not for sure but i think he used to hit Adam, because just hearing his raised voice Adam finches. I turn to Adam again "go on ger your things i got this" i say pushing him to thr stairs and he goes.
  I walk to the table in front of his parents and pull off my jacket and sit down. I hear his mother gasp i look at them both "he is coming to stay with me all weekend, you try to stop him or threaten him you go throw me now, he may be afraid of you mr. carted but im not, im not for sure but if i ever find out you have laid a finger on him you wont like my hands getting on you, im not that shy girl anymore this is the real me and I can be your worst nightmare, you see come saturday ill be future queen of skull and daggers heard of them?" i spit out at them both.All they can do is nod there heads "good now if I need to ill move him in with me, i may not have forgave him for breaking my heart but i will protect him he is my friend" i say then hear Adam come down. I give him a small smile "ready to go?" i ask him, "yes i have everything i need" he answers. I nod my head "okay great lets go, it was nice to see you both again" i say to Adams parents. Standing up I slide my jacket back on and walk out of the room then the house.
  Adam throws his things in his car then turns to me "holy shit what did you say to them they looked like they about shit themselves" he says with a laugh, I laugh too "oh just that you are staying with me and who im running with now and not to mess with me stuff like that" i answer. "Well damn thanks" he says to me, "no problem now lets go i want to have a movie night after i show you your room" i say getting on my bike to head home.

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