Chapter 58

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  Wes and Leo help me into a chair next to Ace amd I grab his hand right away and kiss it "come on Ace love you need to wake up for me,Wes and Leo we need you everyone needs you my love, please wake up" I say to him crying. Leo and Wes pull up chairs next to me and place hands on me.  I know these two men have probably been worried sick for the last week they look so tired now that I look at them and they look like they haven't eaten much. They wont even look each other is something I noticed, realizing Ace wont wake up right this minute I pull away from him. Looking at my two guys in front of me " You two look like shit have you been sleeping ot eating?" I ask them they both shake there heads no, I slap them both on the arm "I know you both have been worried sick but you will now sleep and eat okay" I say to them they just nod understanding.
  "Now you both wont look at each other what happened spill now" I demand of them, they don't talk just look away. "Leo tell me now" I say to him, "he blames me for you being in a coma said you should have been brought in with Ace and not have waited" he says sadly a tear falling down his face. I look at Wes "stop blaming him! I blacked out for shock me body was on an adrenalin high I came down and the pain hit me all at once everything so I blacked out stop blaming him right now he is your best friend now tell him sorry Wes" I say to him sternly. He puts his head down amd sighs "Im sorry I should of said that days ago im just well you know how I am" Wes says to Leo but all Leo does is nod. "Now wes ill get back to you in a minute" I say to him then turn to Leo, "Leo my love look at me" i say grabbing his face. "You did nothing wrong, its not your fault I blacked out stop beating yourself up, Im alive im right here" I say to him wiping his face. He leans into my hands closing his eyes "I was so scared you weren't going to wake up I promise from here on out im going to show you how much I love you I was so afraid... it's so hard for me to let people in and seeing you like that.." he says not finishing breaking down more. I pull him closer to me into my arms "shhhh I know im okay I promise in pain but im okay I promise and I love you Leo so much" I say rubbing his head to calm him down.
  When Leo finally stops crying he sits up, I grab his face and wipe the tears away " I love you Leo forever" i say then kiss him so he knows I mean it. He tells me he love me too, "now go clean up your face and get us all some food while I talk to Wes" I say to him. He nods stands up, gives me a kiss then leaves the room, Turning to face Wes. "now you no more blaming Leo he did nothing wrong, i know you were worried about me but Im okay I promise like I said just pain right now, I know it doesn't help having Ace here in A coma next to me in one also but please no more blaming Leo.. I love you Wes so much and I also love leo and Ace just as much" I say to him. He lets a single tear fall from his eyes, I grab his face and wipe it away. "I know my love your worried me too but he will wake up and be okay" I say bringing him in for a kiss. He kisses me back and leans his forehead on mine and lets out a breath that im sure he has been holding in so long.
  Leo came back a few minutes later with some sandwiches for him and Wes and me some soup since my throat hurts still. We all eat and talk they catch me up on everything that's been going on, im worried about Tess and need to se her so they said they will ask Seth ans Adam to bring her in the morning since its eight at night right now. I tell them moving us into different homes will be a good Idea and tell them to let Penny and Peter use my mothers home and That my Fathers home will be perfect to move all us kids into there is room for all cars, motorcycles since its not around anyone else and the add ons I had will helo hold us all and that I will ask Tess if she wants to go there tomorrow. They both agree and will call mom in the morning when they call Seth and Adam to bring Tess to me.
  Im holding Ace's hand and kissing it but im getting tired from the pain meds I was given after I ate my soup. "have them bring in another bed please we are all going to sleep we will push them all together" I say to them. Wes leaves to ask for another bed be moved in not arguing with me at all while Leo pushes my bed closer to Ace then helps me back into my bed. Wes comes back with a nurse pushing another bed in they push it next to the other side of my bed. They even added more pillows and blankets, the nurse leave so wes turns off the lights. Both guys take off there shoes then stare at me "someone just climb in with me you both fight over it" I say, Wes looks at Leo "help me move the beds over some then we will put that bed next to Ace on the other side then Vi can face Ace you can get in bed with vi and then I can hold her hand across Ace's body that way she can touch him still" Wes says. Leo agrees and they get to work while I just lay her touching Ace on the arm. When they are done Wes gives me a kiss and tells me ge love me then climbs into the other bed. Leo gets in with me and kisses me too and tells me he loves me.
  Leo snuggles in close with me after covering us both up, Wes lays his arm across Ace for me to take after he gets comfortable. "I love you all three of you ao much now lets gets some sleep we all need it and Ace my love please wake up tomorrow please" I say. We all day goodnight, the last thing I see before my eyes close is Ace's face.

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