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Tireless efforts

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Tireless efforts.

Non-stop training.

No breaks

All of my efforts have led me to this moment.

The moment that I stand before her. The Tsaritsa..

The Cryo Archon. The leader of the Fatui Harbingers. The most esteemed and feared organization.

It all starts here.

All of those restless nights I stood up late, training. All those hillichrils I slaughtered , All thoses lives I cut short.

It finally comes down to this. My meeting with her.

She called for me to meet her 12 hours ago. I wasted no time coming to Snezhnaya, all the way from Sumeru.

It was a long journey, but it wasn't anything compared to what I had endured in the past.

She didn't say why she wanted to meet me, but I see no other reason but to take me in as a Fatui Harbinger. For what other reason would she call me to her so urgently?

I highly doubt she called me here to converse about weaponry or anything of the sort.

As I walked through the long golden hall, I felt as though my whole life was leading up to this moment. A guard stood at the door.

"State your name and business with the Tsaritsa."  The guard said with a monotone voice.

"(Y/N) (L/N). She summoned me here to speak with her." I said, looking the guard dead in the eyes.

I could see her face palen and her façade falter. I built up this reputation of myself, a malicious killer, so I'm not surprised that she reacted this way. Im known throughout the seven nations as an absolute fiend; a beautiful brute who won't hesitate to kill anyone or anything that stands in her way. And I'm okay with that.

"Your- I see. Right this way Miss (L/N)." She said while opening the large door for me.

I then stepped inside and my confidence slowly began to fade. Reality started to set in like it was crushing me with every passing second.

'You're in front of the Cryo Archon; Bow you idiot!' I screamed at myself as I scrambled to bow.

She just chuckled at me.

"Good morning, Tsaritsa." I said with my voice steady.

"Good morning, Miss (Y/n)" She said with a stoic expression. I couldn't read her, no matter how good I was at analyzing my opponents, she was just so.. no words can explain it.

"You wanted to see me, for what reason?" I asked, my heart beating what felt like a million miles a minute.

"Ah. Straight to the point. I like that." She stated, now looking down upon my body.

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