9: We Will not Fall, or fumble

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Storm filled clouds adorned the sky, threatening to break open any minute, as the ship raced on the roaring ocean

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Storm filled clouds adorned the sky, threatening to break open any minute, as the ship raced on the roaring ocean.

The wind was raging on, as The clear skies soon arose, as the city of the Shogun came into view.

"Woah.." I said in slight shock, as the port came closer and closer.

"Welcome to my place of origin." Scaramouche said, as he took in a large breath, enjoying the scent of his home, not even getting the time to notice how much he missed it.

"Cant believe ive never been here.. It's beautiful." I said in awe, after the ship docked, and the captain gave us the nod of approval to get off. I walked down the side of the ship, followed by Scaramouche as he looked around.

"Hello foreigners!" A voice spoke, making me turn in surprise as a pair of emerald eyes met mine.

"Oh.. Fatui..You aren't here to cause trouble, are you?" The blond male questioned, eyeing Scaramouche and I.

"I'm not, I just came to see Inazuma. Haven't been here before." I said, holding my hands up, showing I mean no harm.

"And what about you?"  He said, pointing at Scaramouche, whilst he rolled his eyes.
"You know who I am. If I'm causing trouble, and if I'm not isnt your issue. Get back to work, maid." He said, before walking off , and motioning me to follow.

"Sorry, about him. I was told I needed a permit, or something of the sort?" I sighed out, as the blond looked down at me with semi widened eyes.

"Did you.. actually just come to visit?" He asked in shock, as I nodded.

"Huh..Then I'll be a friend while you're here! Actually, she might like to see you.." He said with a small smile. 

"That would be appreciated! I'm staying at the Kujou Clan residence. Where should I meet you?" I said, making his form slightly shake.

"Ah.. the teahouse should be fine. I'm sure you can find your way there without the help of your..erm." He said, looking over slightly at Scaramouche, who flipped him off.

"I'll let you go back to your business. Don't worry about the payment, it's on me." he said, with a small smile as i nodded in gratitude.

"Alright, Miss Harbinger. I'll be out of your hair. But keep Scaramouche on a leash, ya hear? I don't want him around causing trouble." He asked.

"I'll try. Thank you, for everything you've done so far..?" I asked, now realizing I had no clue what this man's name was.

"Thoma! And you're Neruim Oleander, I know." He said with a slight chuckle.

"Actually, (Y/N) is fine." I said, making him nod in return.

"See you later?" He questioned. "Hopefully!" I said, before turning around, to meet up with a currently scowling Scaramouche.

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