2. An Everlasting Effect

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第2章~ 永遠の効果

"And then he kissed me!" I said, while throwing a flaming tulip at the wall

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"And then he kissed me!" I said, while throwing a flaming tulip at the wall.

I was telling Signora the events that occurred at my latest mission with Scaramouche.

"Just out of the blue? I knew he was a cocky jackass, but still." She said, before bending over and picking up the now burnt flower's remains.

"The slimy fucker was being was being over confident and then to shut the guy up he.. Yeah. But still. He even said ''He's been waiting to do that all night!" I said before falling back onto my bed behind me.

"Maybe it was to convince the guy that you were really together. I wouldn't think about it too much if it bothers you." She said before sitting down next to me.

"What bothers me is that he didn't even explain why he did it." I said while leaning my head on her shoulder.

"Look, it's obvious you have feelings for him. At least where I'm standing." She said,

"I do not have feelings for that arrogant, selfish, weak, annoying bastard." I retorted.

"Right. So the person telling me a couple days ago how much they wanted to ride Scaramouche wasn't you?" Signora questined with a knowing look.

I couldn't form words as my face heated up. "Shut up before I make you." I said with flushed cheeks.

"And that's what I thought." She said.

''What did I ever do to you?" I asked dejectedly.

"Oh. I forgot to mention. Scaramouche said he's coming to spar with you in.. 5 minutes?" She before standing up.

I choked on my own spit for a moment.

"You do know I could kill you right now, right. Im not known to be the most feared person in my own fucking country for nothing." I said to her with a glare.

"Noted.. I'll be on my way now. Don't make too much noise before someone gets any ideas." she said, before leaving my room and closing the door behind her.

"Asshole!"I screamed out once the door closed.

I knew he wanted to spar, but I thought it would be a couple days before he wanted to. But no.

For once, I was wrong.

And so, with my heart pounding out of my chest, I got up and went to my training center.

I never get nervous like this when facing a threat.

It's always been simple for me to slaughter whoever stands in my way; I've become numb to the sight of life leaving people's eyes long ago.

The only things that truly phase me are.. feelings for other people. They're unknowing and forever changing. There's always uncertainty, and not knowing how the other person feels about you is more stressful than having to kill anyone.

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