11: Tranquility

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第11章 静けさ

Murmurs could be heard all across the Dock

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Murmurs could be heard all across the Dock. By now, people have heard of the illustrious Lumine; The traveler who saved both monstatd and Liyue, being scared of the well known fourth harbinger.

She was.. Scared of me.

I don't blame her, after the despicable act I had committed.

"I understand if you never trust me again. There is nothing I can do to make up for what I have done. But.. Please at least allow me to try." I said, while taking small steps towards her, as she remained still.

Her eyes watched my form, her stance wavering and unorganized. She wasn't prepared physically- hell even mentally for seeing her attacker in person again.

"Why should I even let you come near me. You'll just try to kill me again!" she screamed in fear.

A sigh escaped my lips as I dropped my blade, making the crowd behind me gasp. Instead, I carefully crafted a flower crown, made of Windward Asters and.. Mysterious flowers I had never seen before. They closely resembled the flowers Lumine had in her hair; perhaps my subconscious recognized them.

"I mean you no harm. I just.. Please. Give me the chance and I'll make it up to you. Anything you want." I said, desperation lacing my voice. She looked off to the side, and sighed. She hesitantly walked over to me. I had a small smile on my face, while she had a stoic frown. Seconds later, she was mere inches away from me.

"Help me get an audience with The Raiden Shougun." was all she said.

Gasps and murmurs started up again, as Scaramouche and I's eyes widened. I turned to look back at him, as he gave me a nervous glare. I turned back to Lumine, and placed the flower crown on her head.

"I will get you an audience with the Electro Archon, as a plea for my forgiveness." I said, now holding my hand out to her, for her to shake in agreement.

She hesitated. She looked at my hand, analyzing it for any tricks or lies. But, eventually, she shook my hand, with a small smile.

"Alright everyone, move out of the way." Scaramouche said sternly, as she moved his way past the people in front of him.

When made his way towards me and Lumine, he looked her up and down as he scoffed. "You know I never liked you, so let's skip the formalities." He said, crossing his arms.

"Great to see you too, Balladeer." She muttered.

"Okay then; how are we going to get you and the Raiden Shougun to meet.." I started saying as we walked away from the dispersing crowd.

"I thought that was your job to figure out." Scaramouche said, as i rolled my eyes at him.

"Well you could at least help y'know." I said eying him.

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