14: Departure

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第十四章 出発

She laid in her bed, silently contemplating her entire life

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She laid in her bed, silently contemplating her entire life.

What was it all for?

Rebuilding her family tarnished reputation by becoming a harbinger, being the most feared person in her own nation, just to not even be seen as an actual human being.

She wiped any tears that threatened to fall; she wouldn't waste any tears on that wretched woman. She couldn't even think of the name without feeling disgusted. Did everyone else know her true feelings about them?

No, surely not.

There's no way in hell all the powerful people she knew as her superiors would stand to be treated as pawns in her twisted game.

She knew that her goal in the beginning was to collect all of the gnosis', but she truly didn't know the extent of her madness over the collection of them.

She sat up, trying to process all the new information, before hearing a knock on her window.

She sighed, getting up and going to her window, to see Childe and Lumine staring up at her. Her eyes widened as she quickly opened her window, and helped them both inside.

"What in the hell are you doing here?!" she whispered, to which Childe looked at her confused.

"You saw me earlier–"

"Obviously not you. Lumine, are you trying to get killed?" She said, looking at the blonde, as she looked away. She then turned to the ginger, to which she scolded him as well.

"And you–are you trying to get executed? Why is she even here?" She asked, to which Childe looked away.

"Well.. I um. Kind of contacted her after you told me about Signora.. I wanted to see how she was doing." He explained looking down at Lumine, before looking back at her.

"How did the boss take it? Heartbroken I presume?" Childe said, while she looked at the ground.

So, I was right.

Of course I am– no one knows about her true feelings about us.

I was presented with two options:

tell him, and let him know the truth about this organization.

Or, let him stay in the dark; ignorance is bliss after all.

"You want the truth..?"

"Obviously? Why'd you say it that way?"

She took a breath, before looking up at him.

"She doesn't..she doesn't care about our lives. When I told her Signora died.. All she had the nerve to say was that she needed to 'get a replacement sooner than she expected' or some bullshit like that. She doesn't even–"

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