4. Heartfelt Confessions

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第4章~ 心からの告白

It's been 3 days since Lumine and Paimon went to Jueyun Karst and returned

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It's been 3 days since Lumine and Paimon went to Jueyun Karst and returned.

Lumine is quiet most of the time, but talks to me if I come to her. She's very nice, for the most part, and isn't eccentric, like Childe sometimes is. I wouldnt go as far as to consider her a friend, if anything she's nearly an acquaintance.

Her 'travel companion', Paimon, is the opposite of the blond haired girl.

It speaks even when they aren't in a conversation. I think they're a fairy, but Lumine refers to it as Emergency food, much to the child's dismay.

"Alright! I have someone for you to meet. He goes by the name of Zhongli, and he was the contact I was talking about. He can get you to the exuvia" He said while walking with us.

"And you want.. All of us to go?" I asked him, to which he looked at Lumine.

"Well, I was thinking Lumine could go, but if you wanna join you could ask her and Zhongli," he answered me.

"I would be happy if you joined us. The more the merrier right?" She said with a small smile.

"Agreed. I just hope your contact is okay with it as well." I said, returning to her that same smile she gave me.

"Great! We're almost there. I'm sure He'll let you join him, Nerium." He said, before waving at someone.

It was a very tall man, with Dark brown hair with a low, long  ponytail in the back of his head.. He had very defined body language, like he was very knowledgeable. He carried a certain look to him, as if he was holding unimaginable strength; I wasn't intimidated however. I'm sure however powerful he may be, I'm better.

"Zhongli! Great to see you again. Traveler, Paimon, Neruim, This is Zhongli, the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor consultant.'' Childe said.

" You've heard of the Traveler, Lumine?" He introduced, as Lumine waved.

"Yes, I've heard.. Mondstadt's savior?" He joked, to which Childe laughed and Lumine rubbed the back of her neck with a nod

"Oh! And my wonderful comrade, Nerium!" He said, before pushing me into Zhongli's hard, brooding chest.

I gently got from his chest, and smiled at him, to which I could see his cheeks turn a faint pink.

"Ah...Nerium Oleander. A poisonous flower, am I correct? Even if it could kill you, you just might touch it because of its beauty." he said, while silently whispering the last sentence only to me, or so it felt like.

"I would like to assist you and Lumine in..that ceremony you are partaking in. May I?" I asked politely.

For some reason, it felt as though he was important. I suppose if he can even get to see the Exuvia, he must be someone of high status.

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