10: Past Endeavors

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第10章 過去の努力

"I'm sorry, what?" I said in a panic, before punching him in the gut abruptly

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"I'm sorry, what?" I said in a panic, before punching him in the gut abruptly.

"What the hell-?!" he semi-screamed, now looking up to see my smiling face, standing upright in front of him.

"I said I could walk on my own, bowlcut." I told him, making him grunt in annoyance.

I started walking ahead of him, as he followed begrudgingly. At the top of the gray-purple structure, there stood a woman, with shorter dark hair, looking down at Scaramouche and I.

"My apologies, Sara! My partner wasn't aware of our visit." Scaramouche said with a slight chuckle.

"It's..fine. How have you enjoyed your return to Inazuma so far, Kunikuzushi?" she said, making my eyes widen slightly.

'Kunikuzushi'? Does she mean Scaramouche?' I looked back at him to find him with his head slightly turned downwards, and an annoyed frown plastered on his face.

"I no longer go by that name. It's Scaramouche now." He said with a sigh, now continuing up the stairs, ignoring my confused glances.

..So his real name isn't even Scaramouche? That's..erm. Surprising?

Just as I was about to go up the last step, Sara spoke once more.

"The shogun named you, didn't she? You should keep the name she bestowed upon you. How do you think she would feel if she knew you abandoned the name she gave you?" Sara said in annoyance.

Scaramouche looked to the side, and muttered something slightly before saying: "How do you think I feel knowing she abandoned me?" he said, now looking into Sara's eyes, making her gasp slightly.

"You know the shogun wouldn't abandon her own creation! You left on your own- she never abandoned anyone." Sara said while stopping her foot in agitation.

"So that's what it's telling you? You do realize it's telling you lies? Maybe if Ei had some sense she would come out of her temper tantrum and tell the truth." Scaramouche said while laughing slightly, making Sara's temper rise.

"How dare you. How can you be so disrespectful to your- our God?!" she slightly screamed, making Scaramouche roll his eyes.

"If you can't handle me, then I suppose this agreement won't work out." he said with a frown.

"Of course I can't! I refuse to work with someone who shows so much blatant disrespect to our ruler. Get out of my sight." She said, before turning her back towards us.

Scaramouche sighed, and took my wrist and pulled me away from Sara.

"I'll explain that whole ordeal later." he said, while I simply nodded.

A thousand thoughts were swirling in my head all at once. The shogun created him? The shogun abandoned him? Who the hell is Ei?!

"I respect you. You know that. But god, leaving me in the dark throughout that whole interaction was a dick move." I said, trying to lighten the mood.

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