12. Downfall

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第十二章 崩壊

The two could be seen from miles away, sitting on a cliff at the center of the Sangonomiya Shrine

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The two could be seen from miles away, sitting on a cliff at the center of the Sangonomiya Shrine.

Her head laid on his shoulder, as they overlooked The Resistance army that trained below them.
"They look weak. They won't actually last." He said, barely loud enough for her to hear.

"Don't be so discouraging. They look fine. I'm sure you didn't look any better when you first started out." She said to him with a small smile.

"Are you kidding me? You're acting as if you don't know who I am."

"You started somewhere just like the rest of the harbingers. You don't have to be cocky, y'know. No one is just born talented."

He paused for a second, just to look at her with confused eyes. She noticed this, and began to stare at him back.

"..Did I say something wrong?"

"Not particularly. Just how you phrased it."

She looked at him confused, as she recalled her last statements. He watched her rack her brain for the mistake, before sighing.

"You don't have to play dumb with me. You know where I come from."

She looked at him with a blank stare as his eyes widened slightly.

"What are you talking about?" She questioned genuinely.

"You do know I'm not human..right?" He asked expectantly.

There was a chance she just forgot, Scaramouche knew all the harbingers knew of his past, so there was no need to explain it to her.

Especially since she was in the top five. This knowledge seemed to confuse him even more, since she reacted as if she'd just seen a ghost.

"W-What do you mean you're not human? Then how are you..what even are you?" She looked at him with concern all over her face.

She reached to touch his hand, as she held it, and analyzed it. It confused her immensely. His hands felt so..humanlike. His touch has always been cold, but she never saw that as a sign of him being anything out of the ordinary.

"(y/n).. You're joking. I know you are. They've obviously told you by now."

"Told me what?"

He looked into her eyes, before realizing she was being serious.

She truly didn't know of him, where he came from.. or more specifically who he came from.

"The Electro Archon is my creator. I was made to be the original Raiden Shougun.. But apparently I was seen as too weak to wield the gnosis. She thought I had too much weakness, because I showed emotion. So, she cast me aside. Threw me away as if I was nothing." he said to her with closed eyes.

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