1. Kissing a Killer

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第1章~ キラーにキスする

Grunts of pain could be heard a mile away from my garden, along with the additional sound of thrashing and screaming

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Grunts of pain could be heard a mile away from my garden, along with the additional sound of thrashing and screaming.

This is what the Balladeer and Cryo Archon saw when they entered my garden. Garden isn't the right term for my training center, but it's what it's called for the time being.

I was currently sparring with the newest Harbinger, Childe.

When I realized we had company, I quickly raised myself from the earth and monitored Childe to stop what he was doing as well. We both bowed at the Tsaritsa, before wishing her a good morning.

"Good morning. Childe, if you may, I need to discuss something with Nerium." She said while looking at him.

"Ah! Of course! I'll leave you to it. See you next time, (Y/N)!" He said before giving me a tight hug and leaving the room, not even bothering to spare a glance at scaramouche, making me chuckle at the sight of a scowling scaramouche.

"Goodbye to you too." He mumbled under his breath.

"Nerium. I have a mission that I need you to accompany the Balladeer. Will you accept?" She asked me.

"I would be foolish to say no to you, your Majesty." I replied.

"Excellent. the balladeer will inform you of what you are to do there. I expect nothing less than perfection from you, Nerium. You have yet to disappoint me, let's not make it a first time, hm?" She told me with a threatening look in her eyes.

"Understood." I said before walking over to Scaramouche.

"I look forward to working with you once more." I said all the while looking him in the eyes.

"I'm sure you are." He said while looking at mine right back. When I saw his small smirk, I immediately knew where this mission would go. He'd annoy me to no end, and I'd have to refrain from killing him.

"I'll assume you know what to do, Balladeer. I'll be taking my leave now." She said before exiting the room.

We just stood there in silence once she left.

While her majesty was here?

I can manage his acts.

But without?

He would be punted into the ground if I had my way.

"Can you spit out whatever you need to say to me?" I said before looking at him once more.

"You're the 4th harbinger. Shouldn't you be all knowing like everyone claims you are?" He mocked.

"I'm already sick of your bullshit. Just tell me where this mission is so I can get it over with." I said with a scowl.

"Aw, you're no fun." he said with a pout.

I grew a cactus and was about to throw it at him until he spoke.

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