8: Your Majesty

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The blistering cold awaited me, as we took the teleport waypoint back to sheznaya, leaving Childe behind

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The blistering cold awaited me, as we took the teleport waypoint back to sheznaya, leaving Childe behind.

Not that I wasn't used to the cold, but coming back to it from clear skies and decent weather, it was.. Unpleasant.

Makes me miss my old home, in all its horror. Truth be told, I would move back to Sumeru, if my work permitted me.

"Gods. I'm so tired." Scaramouche groaned, as we reached the steps of The palace.

"Then this could be where we part ways for the night." I suggested, to which he shook his head.

"I'm sleeping in your room. Mine is too far, and I can't be bothered to walk." He said, looking towards me for a nod of approval.

"I don't see why not." I said, now opening the golden doors slightly, and closing it gently.

"Hurry up will you?" He said, walking away from me and to my room, while I quickly followed him. We reached the room shortly after, making a scaramouche glaze momentarily in awe at the interior.

Assortments of flowers covered the walls, as the bed seemed to be floating on air.

"How do you have a whole ass dining room in your bedroom?!" He exclaimed, making me roll my eyes.

"Once you reach top 5, your room gets an upgrade." I said, now going towards my bed, taking off my clothes along the way.

I then plopped myself onto the bed, with it shaking underneath my weight as I pushed myself up to reach my pillows.

"You coming?" I muttered, feeling fatigue wash over my body.

As my eyes slowly closed, I could feel a pair of arms wrap around my figure, before I let sleep overcome me in its caring grasp.
"You cant wait a fucking minate?!" is what I heard as soon as I woke up.

Pounding on my door could be heard, as Scaramouche then looked over to me, surprised I was awake.

"Someone's outside." He mumbled, as I got up, put on a robe, and walked towards the door. Opening it, I could find a lackey of sorts, for the Tsritssa.

"Nerium Oleander, your presence is requested." The male said, looking at me up and down.

"Mhm. Be there shortly." I said, before going back in and slamming the door in his face, causing a small squeak to come from his lips, as I could hear him scurrying away.

"The hell was that about?" Scaramouche asked, making me sigh in response.

"Meeting. Top 5 once more." I said, going towards my wardrobe, and picking an outfit.

"I'm sure you have some tasks to do while I'm out." I said, making scaramouche look off to the side.

"As a matter of fact, yeah. Starting something big in Inazuma.  Just need to set that in motion from here." he said, making me nod in retaliation. Putting on the clothes, and equipping myself with a dagger, I went over to him, gave him a small kiss on his lips and walked out of the room.

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