Together and Alone

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Carl and I finished our breakfast and walked to our room to grab our sweaters because my mother and Lori refused to let us leave the house without them because it was raining.

We walked out the house with our hoods up. We really didn't have any other reason to be leaving the house other than I couldn't stay in the house with all of them. Together. For hours.

Carl and I walked around for hours, talking about what our lives would have been like if the apocalypse wouldn't have happened for real.

"I would propose to you . Then we would get married surrounded by all the people that we loved." Carl said.

I took his hand,"Jocelyn Grimes? Sounds kind of weird."

He laughed,"It sounds perfect to me."

I took his hand and we continued to walk to the Triangle.

The Triangle was a spot that used to be only for me, Key, and Stevan, but I found someone that meant a lot to me, so Carl had been there a few times.

We sat down on the rocks and watched as the water fell on each other.

"We have to change your bandages," Carl said.

I nodded and he came over to me and knelt on the ground. He slowly unwound the bandages and I winced in pain. I looked down at my self-inflicted wounds. They disgusted me.

They were swollen and red. I looked away as he reached into the bag that he was carrying and pulled out some antiseptic and tissues.


We heard a voice shout.


We both froze in our places as we wondered who was calling our names.

"Carl, Jocelyn!"

I figured out who was calling us and I tapped on Carl hurriedly to put the bandages on, but it was too late.

Beth came through the trees and looked at me and Carl. She opened her mouth to speak, but saw my wounds and closed it.

"Please Beth, don't tell my mom."

She walked over to us and took the bandages from Carl, who backed up and let Beth through.

"You chose to live," she said,"Somebody once told me that I had to make my own choices and you made this decision for yourself. I won't tell your mother because you chose to live and it's obvious that you feel guilty."

She wrapped the bandages quickly and stood.

"We don't have time. We have to go." Beth said, her urgency suddenly reappearing.

"What happened?" Carl asked.

"The walkers overran the house and everyone had to grab as much as they could hold and they're going to your house."

Carl and I nodded and followed Beth in the direction of my house.

When my house came to view, we all stopped and stared in shock.

There were walkers all around the house and some had broken through the glass windows. I looked over at Beth.

"Where were they going to go if my house was overrun?"

She shrugged and I cursed. How could they not have a back up plan? Considering that we were in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, it was pretty stupid that they didn't think that my house might be overrun and make a back up plan for where we were going to go after.

"Well, they couldn't have gone far," Carl said,"We can probably still find them."

I nodded,"They had to have come here first. Which way would they have gone if they saw this?"

Beth looked around and said,"Daryl once taught me how to track, so maybe I could look for prints."

Carl and I nodded and followed the blonde girl to each break in the flow of trees. Eventually she told us that she found a series of foot prints. We followed the tracks until Beth stopped.

"What's wrong?" Carl asked.

She ignored him and continued to walk. Carl and I looked at each other and took each other's hands and followed her.

After another long time, I noticed that the foot prints were getting closer together. Beth wasn't the only one to learn how to track.

"They started running," I said as I leaned down to touch the ground,"And it wasn't too long ago."

Beth looked around us and pointed to a print on the ground,"You see that? That's a walker track. They encountered a walker and ran. and then those tracks there? They split up. They could be anywhere by now."

I looked at the prints and sighed,"You're right. I guess we're on our own."

We all looked at each other as the rain dampened our hair and I wondered what we were going to do. None of us were the best hunters. All we could really do is gather.

This was just going to be great.

Sorry, this one is shorter than the rest. I'm running out of ideas. If you guys have any, comment. Remember to share and vote.

Luv ya ~Miki

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