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It was early in the morning, you were sleeping soundly on your bed. Your sleep was then disrupted by a soft nudge.

"mgrhm...." you groaned, tired and sleep-deprived. You slowly rise and sit on your bed while taking a deep yawn while rubbing your puffy eyes. Turning your attention to the side, you see an excited young Mariano sitting on the side of your bed.

He stands up, "get your clothes ready and prepare yourself, today is gonna be your first time seeing another gift ceremony". You perked up-now remembering why Mariano is waking you up.

"I almost forgot about that! I was too excited last night and I didn't even get enough sleep..". You slumped a little about the thought of how you needed more sleep for today.

"You won't have to worry about that, I'm sure once you see the flowers and decorations ALLLLL your energy will suddenly burst. Then you will forget you ever needed sleep in the first place!".

You giggled at his reassurance, "okay tio!".

Mariano crossed his arms and began lecturing you, "Hey! what did I tell you by calling me your 'tio'."

You tilt your head, "am I wrong though? you are my tio!" you smiled teasingly, knowing well he gets mad at the title.

"Yes, I know! But I'm too young to be called that!". he was now pouting.

It was true though, he is your tio. Your mamá is his late sister. When she was pregnant with you, her partner left both of you alone even while you were still growing inside your mother's stomach. It was an absolutely hard time for your mother as she was giving birth. Unfortunately, she hadn't survived by the time you were already wrapped and ready to be shown to the woman.

Mariano was already seven when you were born. He helped take care of you along with your Abuela. You and Mariano were the closest and lived as if you two were siblings. Now you have lived with each other for five years.

"Hehe, okay okay I'm sorry! Now get out and tell Abuela I'm already getting ready". You took off out of your bed and pushed the boy out of your room.

When you finished getting ready, your Abuela and Mariano were already outside. You quickly dashed out and held both of their hands as you walk through town, towards the infamous Casita-the house of the Madrigals.

Everything and everyone was bright and festive and you could already feel the excitement of the townspeople. You looked over at your Abuela and asked, "Who is getting their gift today?"

The seniora smiled cheekily at you, "Oh I think you'd like him very much-since he's your age-it is Camilo, Pepa and Felix's second-born kid. He is the fourth to get a gift from the children of the triplets." Your Abuela softly explains to you though it was hard to memorize the order. The most you could register in your five-year-old brain was that his name was Camilo and his parents were Pepa and Felix.

The three of you walked closer towards the casita, and the sight almost made you stop breathing. Truly! It was breathtaking. The house was covered with beautiful purple and pink flowers. And there!

"Waah! It's the moving magical house!" You pointed in thrill. Immediately, you looked towards Mariano, "It's exactly what you said it looked like!"

Mariano chuckled, "See? I never lie kiddo!" He ruffles your hair and you replied with a giggle.

Abuela then notified us to keep going inside. It was completely magical, every bit of it excited you. You turned to the right and saw a beautiful girl in magenta decorating the house with more flowers.

"Who is she?" You asked.

"That is the town's beauty-Isabella Madrigal." Mariano immediately answered with a lovestruck gaze evident in his eyes. You also took your time observing her. She had long dark hair which was styled into pigtails.

Your gaze finally left her and examined the rest of the magical house. On the second floor were doors with different and interesting patterns drawn on each of them. Aside from the doors and multiple people decorating the floor, there was also another elderly lady supervising the people.

Glancing at your Abuela, it seems she already has your question in mind. "That is Alma Madrigal, the one who found the miracle that blessed the Madrigal family and is in charge of the family's magic." You eyed at the Abuela in question, silently thanking her for the amazing miracle that saved and protected them from danger.

You gently let go of your own Abuela and Mariano's hand. "Be careful and don't get yourself into trouble nieta!". You nodded while walking away observing what's more in the casita.

"Mariano, if you could please also keep an eye on the girl." The boy simply replied with a quick "Yes, mamá".

Eventually, you met other members of the family including the super hearing Dolores and the beautiful and brawned Luisa. But your favourite member of the magical family was Mirabel. Even though she hasn't gotten her ceremony, you were already interested in her. She was kind, energetic and she was entertaining to be with.

She became your little tour guide as both of you ascended and descended into the house. As she was dragging you throughout the house, you bumped into a man wearing green that was holding a-is that a rat?- Mirabel gave the man a quick greeting, "Hello tió Bruno, bye!" Before taking off with you again. Sometime later, she introduced you to their parents, Señor Augustin and Señora Julieta. Her mother had healing powers-just one arepa and your injuries should be gone like they never appeared ever!

You also came across Señora Pepa and Señor Felix, you already knew about Señora Pepa and her well-known power to control the weather. You mostly heard of it from your Abuela- whenever it rains you would always hear an "Ah Pepa is in a bad mood again".

Of course, the couple wasn't the last that you met. Mirabel didn't forget to introduce you to the star of today's show-Camilo. He had nice curly hair and a poncho that covered some of his small frame.

"Hello! I'm Camilo!" he offered a hand and you immediately shook his. "I'm (reader)!" You announced.

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 𝟷𝟶𝟼𝟼

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