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With an anxious glint in your eyes, you stare at your friend who was involved with the townspeople. Her head up high as the corners of her lips angled upwards. She looked strangely...happy. Slowly, her mouth moves as she speaks something underneath her breath. Though she was far away, you could decipher the words she was saying just by your eyes.

"Maybe I am the right one for Camilo all this time..."


What did she say?

Did I...

Did I hear that correctly?

Did I see that correctly?

No way...

She wouldn't...

The thundercloud started to pour its rain above everyone in that room, leaving all of you wet and cold. You glance at your Abuela who was looking both scared and furious.

"(Reader) let's go home." She says, commanding you.

Letting a gulp run down your throat, you dropped your head as you stand up to follow your family. Just as you were about to leave, a hand clutches your wrist. You spun your head to see a sullen Camilo. From his eyes, you found worry and desperation. Letting out a small smile, you lean down to him as you whisper, "You still have something to tell me later right? Don't worry, I'll be here."

As you finish, you hastily catch up to your Abuela who was quick to exit the Casita. With your heart pounding louder than the thunders of tiá Pepa's cloud, you proceeded to walk beside your Abuela. It was quiet between the three of you, aside from Mariano's occasional weeps of the pain in his nose, the wet splashes of the ground from your steps, and the drips of water from your hair and clothes. As you wrap yourself with your cold arms, the sight of your house slowly appearing makes you eager to finally get yourself warm.

Your Abuela grimly turns the knob as she opens the door to your house. Mariano immediately cried at his broken nose, desperate for it to be treated. The still cold temperature of your body made you shiver, so you move towards the fireplace as you light the remaining wood that was still inside. From the corner of the room, you could see that your Abuela was carefully treating his son with some bandages.

Sighing, you lean beside the bricks of the fireplace as you let the heat wash over the chilliness of your body. Watching your Abuela finish putting the bandage on Mariano's nose, she looks at you with dead-set eyes as she crosses her arms. You glance away, unwilling to look at your grandmother.

"Is what Dolores said true?"

You immediately pushed yourself off from leaning on the wall, "Abuela, please let me explain."

"Ay dios mio, I can't believe you had lied to both families!" She raises her hands at you.

You scratch your neck in frustration, "It was a complicated situation for both me and Cami-"

"And you even got the poor boy in trouble!"

Mariano then puts his hand on his mother's shoulder, "Mamá, at least hear her out."

"Did you force Camilo into this fake relationship of yours?!" She said as she pushed his son's hand away from her. "I am so disappointed in you, (Reader)."

Your body froze as your heart sank to your stomach. After all these years of doing your best so you could make your family proud, just for them to tell you that they're disappointed when they didn't even try to hear you out at all.

"You're disappointed in me? You didn't even try to hear me out at all! You don't know what I had been through just to hear the words "I'm proud of you". I was young and it was a stupid decision to make but it was the only thing I could think of when you said that you would be so proud of me! When you said my mamá would be so proud of me!" You said stuttering in some words as pinpricks of tears start forming in your eyes.

ᴋɪss ʜᴇʀ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏᴏʟ-(𝙲. 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚕/𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) !!Discontinued!!Where stories live. Discover now