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The older man and woman's voices slowly fade away as both of you exit the room. To your surprise, Casita had prepared your now dry footwear just outside Pepa's doorstep. Immediately you put on your shoes, relieving yourselves away from the cold tiles of the floor. Making a few taps on the ground, you make sure your shoes were fit and sturdy again before you head on to who knows where. But just before you could continue, a small figure appears right in front of you.

"Ah Toñito, what brings you here?" You hear Camilo say as he bends his knees to level himself to the small boy.

Antonio's eyes brighten, voice chiming in concern, "Did something happen to mamá?" He leans forward, clutching onto his stuffed toy and...is that the gift you made for him?

"Don't worry about that, mamá is doing okay now." Camilo smiled as he reassures him.

You remain your eyes on the medium-sized leather book that Antonio had been clutching his arms around. Your eyes sparkled, a soft smile flickered on your face like a hologram.

As Antonio hears the gentle reassuring words from his brother, he glances at you and like a little sunshine, gives you a big warm grin making your heart melt. He holds up the book you had given him before exclaiming happily.

"I loved the gift you made me by the way. I read it with my animal friends every night!"

A giggle escapes from your lips as you return his cheerful expression. "I'm glad you did! Mirabel helped me make it since she knew how much you loved animals."

Your eyesight inspects loosely onto the stuffed toy that Mirabel had made at the same time that she helped you with your scrapped book. The little boy chuckles, and before he could have said any more, his jaguar friend had already taken him away and pushed Antonio to land on its back, like how it did back from when the five-year-old had first entered and explored around his room.

"Woah's" and laughter echoes the house as Antonio was brought away by the big cat who was also followed by other feathered critters. Speaking of cats, it seemed that another smaller cat had also trailed them from behind.

"Hey Michi, you're here too?" You call out to her, earning a meow from the cat.

She doesn't acknowledge you more after that as she proceeds to butt her head on Camilo's leg.

You make light of her sudden affection towards Camilo, which had also surprised him. "It seems like Michi has taken a liking to you too huh?"

An eyebrow had raised from him, his eyes squinting in amusement as he lifts the animal and carries her into his arms. "You think so?"

"Yeah." A hand of yours had made its way on the feline's back as you brush her from the head down to her tail. As you continue your caressing on her body, you hadn't realised how your hand also skimmed over the delicate cloth of Camilo's shirt. His breath hitching every subtle touch of your moving hand.

Slowing your pats into a stop, you fix your gaze back to the boy carrying the furred animal. "So should we end it here or do you have somewhere you'd like to go?"

Camilo looks around and up to the sky to see as the sun dipped below the horizon, the fleeting colours of dusk began to fade in. There are flecks of pink splattered across the vast sky. Intermixed with the hues of reds and orange.

It's still some time before dinner, we can't end our date here yet.

"Wanna go to my room?" His head tilted, facing the shapeshifter's door as he questioned you with a rushed voice.

"Huh? What? Why?"

"To hang out?"

"Oh." You stared at the boy in front of you, mouth slightly ajar.

ᴋɪss ʜᴇʀ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏᴏʟ-(𝙲. 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚕/𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) !!Discontinued!!Where stories live. Discover now