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"And on that beach, the sun sets. Together, they watched as the moon rises. Darkness filled the setting but soon replaced with the starry night sky. The moon shines above the couple, radiating a romantic atmosphere. The two sits down on a blanket gazing at the moon and the stars above them. "The moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?" The man said, receiving a bewildered look from the woman. "What makes you say that?". He interlocked hands with the lady beside him, "The craters, the moon's imperfections, its hue and everything about it is beautiful." The girl chuckled, "You're not talking about the moon, aren't you?" He smirks, "Definitely not, mi amor, for you are my moon, my stars and my entire galaxy"... The end."

You furrowed your eyebrows, "That's it?".

Mariano laughed, "Yes it is, it's wonderful isn't it?".

You crossed your arms, "Yeah, but it would have been better if they got married and had kids!"

Tonight was the end of your first daily midnight reading of the book you borrowed with Mariano. After you borrowed the book and showed it to Mariano, he realized that you were still in that age where you have yet to understand or to read difficult words or sentences. Luckily Mariano had already read this book so you both decided to let Mariano do the reading every night for the month while you listen.

Mariano gently set the book on the desk beside your bed. "Oh come on, they have been through so much already! Shouldn't they have their break and let them spend some quality time together? And I personally think the ending was amazing."

You shrugged before adding, "What did that moon thingy he said mean anyway?"

Mariano went silent-thinking of a simpler way to explain it to you. "Well, it is a poetic way of saying "I love you".

You scoffed, "You and your obsession with poetry are pfff " Blowing a raspberry at the end of your sentence.

The boy looked at you, offended. "Hey! Poetry is enjoyable and very romantic. You better take that back!"

You quickly retorted, "Haha! You're poetry obsessed and a hopeless romantic!" He immediately launched himself at you before giving you a tickle attack. Leaving you no choice but to take your word back, begging him to stop while laughing hysterically.


This activity has continued for months. Until months turned to years. Obviously, you weren't gonna continue to rely on Mariano to read you the stories forever. He and your Abuela started to teach you how to read until you were able to do it alone and without guidance. The actual librarian from Elevva Library which turned out to be Emilia's tiá had also helped you practice reading sometimes. As the days goes by, you and Emilia's relationship had also grown.

You are now 10 years old and have read at least 75 books-or rather, you have read about 75 books that you did like. You have taken Mariano's love for poetry as a joke while not realising you have also developed a liking to poetry. You even bothered to read and listen to Mariano's original made poetries.

As you reached the library, you quickly called Emilia to assist you.

"(Reader)! You're back already?" Emilia appeared from behind a bookshelf.

You smiled at her, waving your finished book as you showed her. "Yeah! This book was great. I did not expect that plot twist though!"

Emilia took your book returning it to where it was originally placed. "Right?! I still can't move on from the fact Rosaria betrayed her sister." You sighed in agreement.

ᴋɪss ʜᴇʀ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏᴏʟ-(𝙲. 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚕/𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) !!Discontinued!!Where stories live. Discover now