•𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙣𝙚•

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"You must be here for my gift ceremony." The boy retreated his hands and put both of them on his waist.

"Mhm! This is my first time coming to one!" You said excitedly.

"Now now Camilo" Señor Felix put his reassuring hand on Camilo's shoulder. "The ceremony is about to start, you best prepare yourself Hijo". After Camilo's papá instructed him to get ready, you bid him good luck and said your goodbyes to Mirabel then ran off to find where your Abuela and Mariano was standing.

The lights started to dim as the main spotlight was pointed at Camilo. He proudly makes his way through the path, casually taking glances at the side-then to you. You gave him a smile filled with adoration towards the boy. He returns the smile before continuing and looking at his parents who were beside his door looking at him with proud smiles.

He ascended to the staircase and finally in front of his Abuela. He nears the Abuela as she offers the candle. Camilo put both of his hands on the candle as the elder softly asks, "Will you serve this community and strengthen our hope?", to which the small boy replies with a gentle "yes"

The boy unhurriedly approaches the door before touching its knob. The door glowed even further making the boy yelp in surprise-turning into his Abuela, his mamá and his sister before turning back to himself again.

The door glowed once more before showing an illustration of Camilo with a woman and man behind him, and his name on top of the glowing door. Everyone bursts into applauds and cheers as Abuela announces "We have a new gift!".

Camilo slowly opens his door to reveal the room behind it. His room looked like what a normal room would look like until it suddenly changed into another scene. It was bright and filled with colours-similar to the inside of a circus tent-the boy immediately hopped onto the centre as people slowly make their way inside as well.

You hesitantly followed your Abuela inside, and wow was it bright. You saw Camilo stand in the centre and was making a childish act while shape-shifting into other people. The scene changed again-it was now similar to a theatre. He excitedly makes his way to the main stage and encouraged everyone to take a seat.

He made quite a show there, presenting songs, doing adorable dances and making jokes-even mentioning how his tió Bruno would make weird things with rats he saw while cleaning the house. Everybody laughed with him and the night was full of joy and laughter celebrating the boy's new gift.


As the night grew darker, his room now turned into some kind of dancing area. With some people dancing, while some have slowly left the house as it was already late. He thanks the people for attending his ceremony while also copying their appearances.

It was your turn to also depart the house. So you make your way towards him to bid him goodbye.

"Your gift is so awesome! I really enjoyed tonight!" You added, putting your small arms in the air.

He giggled proudly, "You must be glad mine was the first one you attended huh". He spoke proudly to which you agreed.

You turned to Mirabel who is approaching both of you, "I can't wait to attend your ceremony, Mirabel!" You grabbed her hands excitedly.

"Is mine not enough for you?" Camilo asks with a pout.

"Your ceremony was wonderful but I'm still excited to attend Mirabel's since she's my first friend here inside this house!" Mirabel chuckled at your words, "Yeah, I can't wait for mine too!"

ᴋɪss ʜᴇʀ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏᴏʟ-(𝙲. 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚕/𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) !!Discontinued!!Where stories live. Discover now