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He takes a deep breath in before exhaling a sigh as he sees her body disappear in the distance. Turning around, his steps nearing inside their kitchen, as he helps his family prepare for dinner. Grabbing some spoons from their cabinet, he places them on the dining table and positions them beside every plate.

As the dishes and food complete assembling and all the members of the family are present, they all begin to eat. They all relish in comfortable silence, the clanks of their utensils hitting the plates being used as ambience. Though not all of them take pleasure in the silence as the strongest's eye-twitching bothers the super-hearer. Mirabel's anxiousness makes her bounce her leg as she sinks into deep thought. The ample sounds of silence are disrupted by a man's voice.

"So cielito lindo, how was your date with (Reader) earlier?"

Camilo lets out a little chuckle, "I told you not to call me that anymore, papá. And our date went great actually, we had so much fun." He says with a sweet smile on his face.

Their Abuela perks her head up as a pleased tone escapes her throat, "You had a date with (Reader)? You should have told me, we would have welcomed her inside Casita!"

He replies with a slight nervousness in his small laughter, "Ah sorry about that, Abuela. If we do have another date, I'll inform you about it."

Augustin begins to speak as he sets down his glass, "You know chico, me and the family were a little sceptical at the thought of you and her dating. Mostly because of your young age—but I'm glad it's going well for the two of you."

Felix hums in agreement, "That's right! Your mamá and I were even scared that you were moving too fast."

Camilo glances at his mother who was nodding her head lightly nodding, "We're glad both of you are taking little steps at your relationship."

The boy looks down on his full platter, simply smiling in response.

Dolores tilts her head sideways, enough for her to whisper something into Camilo's ears. "Seeing as to how you're missing your ruana, you and (Reader) must have such a lovely time together."

He bows his head down to see that he was only left with his polo shirt and no ruana to be detected. Shock crosses his face, he almost had forgotten that he lent you the clothing. Heat rushes through his cheeks, oh how he missed the opportunity to relinquish the sight of his ruana wrapping around your body.

Clearing his throat, he resists getting flustered by any more ideas of you. "I just let her borrow it, that's all." He says, managing to stifle out a grin.


After everyone in the family had consumed their meals and the dishes had all been washed, the boy goes upstairs to retreat inside his bedroom. Though before he could have gone further, small hands clutched onto his bare shirt.

"Can I talk to you, for a little bit?" Antonio says, the familiar little feline on top of the bigger jaguar joined in and accompanied the little one.

The shapeshifter turns his physique towards his little brother, giving him a nod in answer. Antonio, who still has his clutch on Camilo's shirt, mildly pulls him towards his door. The animal whisperer carefully turns his knob with his free hand and directs his older brother to follow him. They both walk into the middle of the room, under the bright glistening of the tree. Climbing onto the flight of wooden stairs, the brothers arrive on a taller platform to settle on. Antonio plops onto the grassy surface as his animal friends and Camilo follows.

ᴋɪss ʜᴇʀ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏᴏʟ-(𝙲. 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚕/𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) !!Discontinued!!Where stories live. Discover now