•𝘾𝙖𝙩 𝙁𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩•

581 21 19

You heavily stomped your feet as you stumbled towards your favourite place to stay. The location where you find your peace whenever needed. As usual, the grey feline follows beside you as you stride to the library.

Groaning sluggishly, you found yourself bemoaning to your animal friend. "Michi...what am I supposed to do with this ruana."

The cat doesn't react as its small little paws slightly prints on the gravel below you, catching your growing pace onwards.

"It's too awkward to just march in front of his house to just give him his ruana. And it's not like we're having another date today!"

You arrive at the library's door and pushes the door forward, the ringing of a bell sounds after. Not so fortunately to you, Emilia was standing nearest to the door as she dusts the dirt away from the windows. She had to hear at least a quarter of your mumbles to the feline.

"Talking to cats won't help with your problems you know." She says as she pushes the slumping glasses on the bridge of her nose.

As you and Michi enter inside the building, the librarian puts her cleaning to a stop and settles the duster on a table. She follows you to your favoured table somewhere on the back and sits beside you. You crossed your arms, laying them on the table and burying your face in between. The little kitten just settles itself below your table, as it leans on the side of your leg.

Emilia rolls her eyes as she playfully scoffs, "Isn't Camilo your boyfriend? Shouldn't you be getting used to meeting him like what? Every minute of the day?"

Oh if only I could tell you what really is going on. Too bad you can't keep secrets.

You did consider telling her about it, but you just can't risk it. Emilia has been known to be the town's 'blabbermouth'. Though you didn't like how they called her that, it was still true. But even so, the librarian doesn't even mind being called that. She was so sure of herself and her capability of keeping secrets, which is basically none.

"Yeah, but his Abuela kind of scares me you know. Like she's so strict and intimidating." You say an excuse as you raise your head to imitate her so impeccable posture and demeanour.

Emilia just chuckles and sends herself up to continue any library duties. As she almost gets too far from you, she stops herself, "Oh and since my tiá is not going to be around this week, you can use the private study if you like!"

You quickly rise from your seat and gave your friend a "Thank you" before strutting towards the door on the very back of the library. Its door is even almost unnoticeable at how it was camouflaged to the wall. No one would have known there was another room if the knob didn't exist.

Opening the door, you take in that woody scent of fresh new books inside the study. There were four other desks in it so that you could invite some people to read with you in that room. The air inside was also cool from how rare anyone would visit inside. It was amazing though, it's a very decent place to escape from the hot temperature outside.

You stretched your body as you ready yourself to explore the books on the firm and delicate bookshelves. Your feline friend follows behind, finding a mat before supposing it as a makeshift bed. You start feeling the nice red varnish of the wooden frames, sliding your hand on the books enjoying the smooth surface of its covers. Not so sure about how or where you should start, you decide on a random pick. Your finger landed on a green book. Reading its summary from the first page, you suppose it was quite interesting. It consisted of fantasy, romance and drama.

Sitting at one of the reading stands, your eyes start to wander in the words of the book. Your mind in a movie is as if your brain directs the whole scenery of the book. With every flick of the pages manipulated by your fingers, the time seems to pass by quickly.

ᴋɪss ʜᴇʀ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏᴏʟ-(𝙲. 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚕/𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) !!Discontinued!!Where stories live. Discover now