•𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨•

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Rushing down the stairs, you continue towards your dining table as you help your Abuela with the plates. Today was the day after you and Mirabel had planned on how to save the Encanto's dying miracle. As your Abuela had placed the last platter of food, you and Mariano had settled on your chairs.

"Oh hija? Are you going somewhere today?" Your Abuela uttered as she had also taken her seat.

A simple response was what you gave as your mouth was still full. "To the Madrigals."

"Why isn't that nice, speaking of the Madrigals, I have planned something for them actually!". Mariano spoke out.

You tilt your head as you face the man, but before he could continue, he was interrupted by his mother. "Ah yes! Last night we had conversed with the head Madrigal about Mariano's proposal to Isabella."

A panicked glint flashes on your eyes when you heard what the woman had said. Accidentally, you had inhaled your food in shock. Giving your chest a few hits, you eventually coughed away that choking feeling.

"(Reader) are you okay?!" Mariano exclaims in worry.

You answered with a wave of your hands to imply that you were fine. A few moments of you gasping for air transpired before you get to answer the two.

"Oh sorry about that haha, wow Mariano! That sounds amazing, good luck with your proposal!" A mildly apprehensive tone to your words that was followed by a nervous laugh was heard. "Soo, when is the proposal gonna happen?"

Your Abuela smiled, glad that you had asked. She takes her son's hand and caresses it as she answers you, "Tonight, we and the Madrigals will be having dinner together!"

Trying your best, you put up an excited and interested expression as you hide your sympathy for Isabella. Fortunately for you though, your plate was almost empty so you immediately gulped the last remaining food and drink.

Escaping the ear-shattering silence from your family, you dashed out of the house and went straight towards the front area of the church.

Or at least where the church was supposed to be.

You continue waiting in front of an empty area of the deemed chapel. Then, you heard the loud clangs of bells. Looking to your left, you finally see the church... Being carried by Luisa.

Gently, Luisa lowers the ringing church as the people thanked her. Following Luisa was a distressed Mirabel who was crying out for her. But the seemingly calm Luisa just ignores the younger sister as she carries on with the townspeople's requests.

"Hey, Mirabel!" You called out as you wave your hands to catch her attention.

Your shouts made her aware of you and gives you a wave back, though she didn't come near you and continued to follow the older girl.

She places both hands on the sides of her mouth as she exclaims back, "I'll explain to you later I promise! Wait for me in front of our house but don't tell anyone why!!!"

Just as she finishes her last sentence, you drop back your arms and let out a sigh. Once again, you were going to wait for the girl to probably talk to Luisa since you saw that she was chasing for her. Your task seems easy enough anyway, wait for Mirabel in front of their house and hope no one gets suspicious of you or asks why.

Now that I think about it, Mirabel basically told Dolores just by her screaming me that...

Well, you had nothing else to do but hope for the best.

Following your best friend's instructions, you wait outside and tried to act like you were just on a daily stroll, except you just walk around the area by the gates of their Casita. As you pace back and forth, you encounter some kids playing their game of tag. You keep your eyes on them, making their fun into your pastime until Mirabel shows up.

ᴋɪss ʜᴇʀ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏᴏʟ-(𝙲. 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚕/𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) !!Discontinued!!Where stories live. Discover now