•𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝘿𝙤•

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It was already morning, you woke up from a nightmare leaving you with a cold sweat. The events last night still left you anxious and confused.

What were you gonna do now? It's going to be hard for you to keep this to yourself and you don't want to tell Mariano about it either, worrying that he's gonna be left heartbroken. Even worse, if you tell your Abuela and she doesn't believe you, she's gonna think you're just trying to ruin Mariano's relationship.

You sit still on your bed stressing-up until you heard your Abuela call for you to eat.

It's too early in the morning to be upset about things. Maybe it's because you have an empty stomach. Yeah, maybe that's the problem. Perhaps a meal will fix it.

You wobbled out of your bed and down to the kitchen. Mariano and your Abuela had already been seated at the table and urged you to join them. You nodded and sat between the two. The atmosphere was very refreshing, but only for the two of them. You could not relax at all, it felt like you were conscious of everything and it was bothering you so much.

Then you repeated your desperate thought earlier, A meal will relax me, I'm just hungry.

Grabbing some bread, eggs and arepas, you immediately dug in. You ate like there was no tomorrow, it was a very frantic attempt to calm yourself.

"(Reader), slow down! You'll choke yourself." Your Abuela clamoured with concern.

You looked up at her with your mouth full of food. Drooping, as you stopped stuffing your mouth. You were helpless and nothing you try is composing you at all. Now, you attempted to slow down and took your time to eat the food.

As you finished, you went upstairs to change. When you got done wearing your most comfortable clothes and left your room, you are met face to face with Mariano.

"Hey (Reader), are you alright? You were acting strange earlier-"

You quickly cut him off-not wanting him to get involved more to your concerns, "I'm gonna get some fresh air, bye"

Now you were outside, the air was indeed refreshing but it wasn't enough to soothe your problems. You needed more. So you continue to walk through town, reaching the wide plaza by the church. You were just looking around until you heard Mirabel.

"(Reader)!! Hi!!" She waves her arms around catching your attention and others.

You wave at her, also seeing Camilo beside Mirabel. As you jogged up to the two, they opened their arms welcoming you.

And oh wow, was that hug so warm. Maybe it wasn't stuffing food in your mouth or fresh air you needed, it was them. Their calming voices and the comfortable hug.

"I missed you guys!" you whined audibly.

They giggled, "We just had dinner last night (Reader)", you heard Camilo say.

You heartily sighed, content with the presence of your friends that mended your disoriented mind.

All of you finally let go of the hug and Mirabel suggested that you all hang out in their Casita. You all agreed and cheerfully skipped your way to the house. The three of you were laughing and giggling and just like that, the thoughts that were disturbing you were now gone. At least for now.

The three of you stayed inside the house's nursery where Mirabel remained. It was a shame she didn't get her gift. Though, you thought it was more a miracle that she didn't get a gift than if she did get one-not that you wished she didn't get a gift. Her ceremony was one of her hardest times. After all of you saw how the magical door slowly disappeared when the girl touched it, she almost immediately broke down afterwards. You and Camilo did your best to comfort her, but she was completely inconsolable. She kept saying that 'maybe she was broken' or that 'she wasn't meant to be in the family'. It was so hard to watch her hurting since you cared so much about her.

ᴋɪss ʜᴇʀ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏᴏʟ-(𝙲. 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚕/𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) !!Discontinued!!Where stories live. Discover now