•𝙎𝙣𝙚𝙖𝙠 𝙞𝙣•

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Immediately after that scene, you just wanted to rip out your hair in anger. Everyone is getting on your nerves to the point where it just hurts. Why do misunderstandings find their way to go and ruin your life?

You puffed your chest out as you notice your nails digging in your palm while your hand was still in a fist. Your eyebrows were still creased as evident anger plasters your face. Occasionally, your steps would get rougher and end up stomping on the ground.

The anger you have been feeling soon turned into slight terror as you see the present condition of Casita. It was gloomy, dark, and was filled with cracks. Additionally, Tiá Pepa's uncontrollable cloud had been storming on the house for a while, making it look haunted and eerie.

Looking from left to right, you checked if there was anyone who could potentially see you. Confirming that there was none, you immediately dashed towards the side of the Casita where you had sneaked in Mirabel's room the other day. Hiding by the wall of the house, you wait for Michi to follow you.

As the feline arrives, you softly whisper, "Casita? Will you please help me out?"

From above, the tiles from before tap around again, signaling you that Casita is willing to help out. You smiled, watching the house use the same tiles as a steep stair up. Bracing yourself, you carefully climb up while hugging the wall beside. As you begin stepping on the last tile, thunder booms from inside the house, startling you. The loud bang made the house slightly shake, causing you to lose balance. Luckily, you fell right over the roof in front of Mirabel's window. Though it also gave you a big bruise on your forearm.

You quickly dismissed the pain as you continued towards the surface of Mirabel's window. Casita instantly opens the little door so you can enter the room. Smiling at Casita in appreciation, you proceeded inside carefully so this time you won't cause a ruckus and might startle someone nearby.

You examine the nursery to find no Mirabel insight. Moving on, your quiet steps neared the door as you plan on looking for her somewhere else outside this room. The moment you stepped out, you overheard two people nearby.

"Why would embracing Isabella do anything?"

"I don't know. Our family got a miracle. How do you help a family miracle? You hug a sister."

...Is that...who I think it is?

After hearing that small conversation, you suddenly hear Camilo from downstairs calling out for Mirabel. You ducked down and hid yourself behind the wooden barricades.

As the shapeshifter called out, you could see that he unexpectedly turns his form into a big man with a baby head. You accidentally let out a chortle after failing to hide your laugh. Both of your hands flew straight to your mouth as you shut yourself up right away.

A moment of silence came after. You figured that Camilo had already gone away so you proceeded to get up and go towards the familiar people that you heard. Sneaking up to their side, you catch a glimpse of Mirabel's curly hair. You continue to walk quietly up to them, while they continue to chat.

You've cleared your throat as you start to speak, "Uhm, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something, but I'm just here to check on Mirabel..."

Both of them flinch as they gasp in surprise. Mirabel instantly snapped her head to you. When she realized it was just you, she sighs as she pulls you down with them.

"What are you doing here?" Mirabel whispers aggressively.

You couldn't focus on her because you were too shocked to see Bruno back in the house. Dolores most definitely didn't exaggerate when she mentioned that she heard Bruno somewhere in the house.

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