Part 5-Protective Marinette

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Monday morning, Adrien and Marinette walked into class hand-in-hand, Adrien kissing her knuckles with a smile before reluctantly releasing her so she could go to her seat as a newly blushing mess. He was never going to get over the fact that he could bring a blush to her face without uttering a single word, and he would capitalize on that incredible ability for as long as he could. He slid into his seat next to Nino, but turned slightly to hand Marinette her bag from where it had been slung over his shoulder.

"Thank you valiant knight." Marinette said with a smirk, making him smile, "Anything for my princess."

Nino and Alya simultaneously faked retching sounds, Alya saying it first, "You too are so lovey-dovey it makes me sick."

Nino was nodding, "Yeah dude. Is this going to be a regular thing?"

Adrien said it jokingly, but was also somewhat telling the truth, "I think we are holding back a lot, actually."

Marinette giggled, "Oh that's definitely true."

Nino and Alya both groaned, but they perked up when they saw Lila walking into the room. Lila immediately getting Alya's attention, "Alya, you are never going to believe what my kitten did for me last night!"

Marinette's face instantly turned angry, but Adrien grabbed her hand quickly and shook his head. There was no point. They knew what they had to do in order to expose Lila, but at the moment it was a waiting game. Marinette took a deep breath as Alya said it excitedly, "I still just, can't believe it Lila. You are going to have to tell me everything over lunch."

Lila nodded, "Of course!" Her evil green gaze turned to Adrien and Marinette, her anger rising as she saw them holding hands. Her voice took on a higher pitch as she told them trying to keep her anger in check, "I'm so glad that you guys are finally together. I really was rooting for you, just like the rest of the class."

She smiled brightly, and neither of them bought it for a second. They just knew she wouldn't pass up the opportunity to say something else.

"And I really hope that now that you guys are officially a couple, that you can get over your insecurities and be as happy as I am with my Kitten."

And there it is. - They thought simultaneously.

Marinette spoke up first, her voice practically dripping honey in a way that scared him, "That's really sweet of you Lila. I know Adrien and I," she emphasized that far too much, "will be able to overcome anything that comes our way, together."

Adrien added it lightly without skipping a beat, "Marinette is our everyday Ladybug after all, maybe I'll have to take up the mantle of being an everyday Chat Noir. They've never been defeated, and now that we are together, neither will we."

They pounded it with amused smiles at each other, Lila's smile not hiding the anger in her eyes, "That's good then. I'm glad you guys are so confident in your new relationship. It's very important to any relationship."

Miss Bustier walked into class with her usual bright smile, "Good morning everyone." "Good morning Miss Bustier." The class called together. Everyone finally began to settle from the obviously tense conversation as the lesson starts.

Marinette could feel her hand cramping up from all the notes Miss Bustier was giving them today. The usual musical chime that signaled their break began to echo around them, inciting a collective relieved sigh from the class. As they were packing up to move to the next lesson, Adrien barely had Marinette's bag over his shoulder when his phone rang.

He groaned out loud, telling her, "Nathalie is here to pick me up for a sudden photoshoot. Apparently a set was cleared a day early so they moved my shoot to today. I'm sorry, we will have to reschedule our lunch date."

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