Part 19- Eavesdropping

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He stood at the edge of the roof, closing his eyes as he let out a deep breath. It had been such a long day, and that photoshoot had really worn him out. All day photoshoots usually did, but this one seemed worse than usual. The photographer wasn't happy with anything that came out, and kept resetting and adding things before finally going back to how it was during the first round of photos.

He sighed heavily. An all day shoot that could have been done in a few hours. He could have gone to school for the afternoon, and at least spent SOME time with his friends. It seemed like lately he hadn't been able to see almost anyone with how busy he had been.

It usually got this way around this time of year though. Fashion was going full speed ahead with summer coming up.

His ears perked up at the thought. Fashion. Marinette. He beamed and took off towards her balcony. He may not be able to visit all of his friends, but he had visited Marinette a few times as Chat Noir. It was Friday night too, she was sure to still be up working on some new design. Maybe he could even help her somehow.

He landed lightly on her balcony and heard multiple voices coming from inside. He went completely still, seeing her skylight cracked open. He stayed hidden in the deep shadows under her awning, listening closer.

Alix, Rose, Juleka, Mylene, and Alya were all here. Oh, the girls must be having a sleepover. He thought bitterly. He would have known that if he'd been at school today. He was sure he would have overheard them talking about it.

So much for that plan. Maybe I can come see her tomorrow.

He felt his tail droop as he moved to leave, but his foot stopped in its tracks, "You can't let yourself get this down just because Adrien missed school today." Alya said heavily.

He felt his heart jump. Marinette had missed him? It had only been a day! But he understood instantly, he was here because he missed his friends, and it had only been a day. It was silly but it made him smile that Marinette cared enough to notice he was gone, and miss him.

"That's right! You just have to stay positive Marinette!" Rose quipped in that cheerful way she had. "He isn't going to forget you just by missing one day of school."

"Yeah, and knowing Adrien, he is probably just as down about missing today too. Nino said that the photoshoot had run longer than expected because the photographer was being an idiot." Alya was explaining.

She didn't know the half of it.

"Oh! Maybe you can do something for him on Monday, to cheer him up. I'm sure he's had a long day if that's the case, and it's the perfect way for you to show him that you were thinking about him." Mylene suggested.

Marinette's voice sounded tired, "But guys what's the point? Don't you remember the last time?"

There was a collective heavy sigh and he bit his lower lip. He knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't find it in himself to leave. Their voices were keeping him grounded. He was both too afraid to move in case he drew their attention, and too curious about what they were talking about to leave.

He made a promise to himself, that if they started talking about things he shouldn't have been hearing, he'd leave even at the risk of his life. Alya would no doubt strangle him if she found him up here, and Alix would be right there with her. There would be questions he definitely didn't want them to ask, or that he'd be able to answer without giving himself away.

Juleka's soft voice drew his attention back to them, "There have been a lot of failed attempts lately."

"See!" Marinette whined. "I'm so useless. Even if the perfect opportunity presented itself, I'd just go and ruin it all with my clumsiness... as usual."

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