Part 15- Costume Party

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Chat's head rested comfortably in Marinette's lap. He was smiling up at her as she talked on the phone with Alya about the upcoming costume party. Marinette smiled back down at him as she answered Alya, "Of course, I just have a few more details to add and they'll be ready. You worry too much."

She started running her hand through his hair and his eyes closed, purrfectly content as the soft purr's rumbled out of him. He could lay here like this forever. There was no feeling in the world that could match how peaceful he felt when Marinette played with his hair this way.

"Oh, uh, no I haven't." Marinette said hesitantly, making his eyes open to look at her worriedly. Alya's voice was clearer on the other end as she got louder, "Girl! What do you mean you haven't asked anyone to go with you yet? I know for a fact that there is one guy in particular,"

"You know Adrien's not allowed to go, Alya. He told us that on Monday." Marinette reminded her sternly. "Even if I could have found the courage to ask him, it would have fallen through."

Chat frowned, seeing the sadness in Marinette's bluebell eyes. He sat up, his heart skipping a beat as her comment finally caught up with him. Marinette had wanted to ask him? Well, civilian him.

He had wanted to ask her! That's why he had talked to his father Sunday night, so that he could ask Marinette on Monday. His father had shot him down of course. There was nothing to be gained from going out to a party like that, so there was no reason to go.

Of course just going to have fun with his friends wasn't a good enough reason. How dare he think that's what parties were for?

He let out a soft sigh before he instantly brightened, his eyes going wide in joy as he figured it out. He motioned for Marinette to get off the phone with Alya, and she nodded with a distrusting expression that only made him grin.

"Yeah, I don't mind going by myself Alya really, but hey it's getting late. If I don't want to be late for school tomorrow, I should try to get some sleep. Okay, yeah have a good night. Talk to you tomorrow." Marinette hung up with a heavy sigh before turning to him with a stern gaze, "What is going on in that head of yours Kitty?"

Chat grinned wider, "Go to the costume party with me."

"Excuse me?" Marinette asked shocked.

"Will you let me be your date to the costume party on Saturday?" He asked excitedly.

Her tone was flat, "No."

"Aww, come on purrincess why not!?" He whined, but she wasn't phased by him in the slightest.

"What would it look like for me to walk in with you? You are Chat Noir. You will start a riot, and people will start asking questions." She motioned to her ears, "Like the fact that you don't have ears."

He pointed to his cat ears with a pout, "I have purrfectly good ears thank you very much."

She threw it in there for good measure, seeing that he wasn't being swayed, "Besides you don't even have a costume."

He motioned to his suit, "A costume I do indeed have. I'll blend right in!"

She scoffed, "Like an elephant in a room full of mice."

"Come on purrincess, PLEASE!" He whined, putting on his best baby doll eyes. She groaned, covering her face with her hands. She peered through her fingers and he pushed out his lower lip, causing another groan out of her before she said it defeated, "Fine."

"YES!" He snatched her up into a tight hug, "You won't regret this. I'll be on my absolute best behavior. No one will think it's the real me, I promise."

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