Part 11- "I almost lost you."

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Her breath escaped in heavy pants, her heart racing in anticipation. She knew she had to hurry. She had to get away before it was too late. Ugh! Why did she have to pick today to make a trip all the way across town? She was still too far from the bakery, the endless streets in her path laid out like a constantly changing maze. She knew these streets of course, but from a more, aerial view. Now that she was on the ground, she had to keep her head on straight as she pushed herself forward.

She felt like she was practically flying down the streets of Paris, taking every other turn and changing directions any chance she could. Her eyes darted around wildly, scanning for the dark shadow that had been chasing her. She had to find a way to throw him off.

The quickly setting sun quickened her pace.

She was running out of time.

She turned another sudden corner, glancing behind her with a triumphant smirk. There was no shadow. She had finally managed to throw him off. She turned back and found herself facing a dead end alley. She stopped cold, fear overtaking everything else.

Piercing green eyes were staring straight at her, the wide predatory grin making her take a small step back at his unusually calm voice, "I almost lost you."

She forced herself to stand firm, he didn't look half as out of breath as she felt, "You did lose me."

She turned from the alley and bolted, hearing his deep chuckle behind her before she heard the familiar sound of his baton extending.

That damn Chat. She knew he was no doubt enjoying this. This was one of the most ridiculous things she had ever agreed to. Playing a city-wide game of Chat and Mouse with a super-powered Chat... that was smart.

Of course she could have transformed and really thrown him off, but right now he was tracking her scent. If he caught her scent change, and then happened to find Ladybug with the same scent, things were going to get out of hand really fast.

No, she would beat him as his own game. All she had to do was get to the bakery before he caught her. That dead end alley had almost been her undoing.

Something tight wrapped around her neck from behind, instantly choking her as she was roughly pulled back. She slammed into a firm body, her arms pinned to her side by someone easily four times her size.

"There she is, the little goody-goody." A familiar hateful voice said in triumph, moving into her line of sight.

She recognized her instantly, "Lila?"

"The name is Exposé." Lila said heatedly, "You think you've won, that someone like you could really beat me at my own game?!"

Marinette saw the purple energy whip in Lila's hand start to glow, and the tail end that was wrapped around her neck tightened. She struggled to get it out, "Your lies are what did you in. You just can't, hide behind them anymore."

"Because of you! I had everyone eating out of the palm of my hand and you had to go and ruin everything!" Lila screeched before asking her flatly, the whip beginning to glow black, "Now, let's expose all your lies. Let's start by,"

A loud whistle echoed around them, drawing their attention. Lila turned away from her to see Chat Noir dropping a safe distance behind her. There was a smile on his face, his voice light, but his eyes couldn't hide his anger, "Now, now, let's not get too hasty. Let the girl go."

Lila huffed, her grip on the whip tightening. "Stay out of the way Chat Noir."

"I can't do that." Chat said sternly, his eyes darting to her briefly in worry.

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