Part 20 - 3am talks

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"This is a life or death situation!"

Marinette rubbed her eyes sleepily, trying not to let the annoyance in her voice show, "Chat, you can't be serious."

"Of course I'm serious!" Chat Noir said from the end of her bed, perched on all fours with a scowl on his face. It had nearly been fifteen minutes already and this mewling Chat wouldn't leave her bed.

"No." She finally said flatly, laying back down and pulling the blankets up to her neck.

Chat pounced on top of her, making her huff, "PURRINCESS!"

"Chat get off!" She said as he gently bounced her over and over again into the bed. "It's three in the morning, I'm not helping you!"

He nuzzled his face into her shoulder with a pout, "But you are the only one who can help me! You are the only one capable of such magnificent feats. I need you!"

"Chat I'm tired. I've pulled three all-nighters in a row, I HAVE to get some sleep." She told him practically begging him to leave her alone, trying to push him off of her with no luck.

"You aren't the only one. I've had three akuma attacks in a row to deal with at all kinds of ungodly hours of the night." He let her push him off of her, only so that he could scoop her up in her blankets. She let out a short yelp, but he kept her cradled carefully in his arms as he stared at the tired annoyance in her bluebell eyes.

"Purrincess, the fate of the world is at stake." He told her seriously.

She gave him a deadpan stare, "It's too early for your dramatics. Figure it out on your own."

"You would risk the lives of everyone in Paris, all because you don't want to help me?" He asked in an extremely fake, shocked voice. "I can't believe you, Marinette. It wounds my heart to know you won't help me, when I really need you. You are the only one I can turn to. You are the only one I can trust with a mission as important as this one."

She wiggled her way out of his arms and out of the blankets, sitting on her knees before grabbing his face in her hands. She let the very tip of her nose brush his, staring firmly into his brilliant green eyes. There was not an ounce of remorse in her voice.

"Needing homemade cookies at 3am is not going to cause the downfall of Paris, Chat Noir."

"But you said you were going to make me cookies! I've been dreaming about them for days, I NEED THEM!" Chat mewled, jutting out his lower lip.

"Come back when the sun is up, preferably when it is actually about to go back down." She said as she released him. She started fixing her sheets, as he sat unmoving, crossing his arms like the giant, tantrum throwing child he was.

"Fine, but when I can't show up to fight an akuma because I've been starved of princess Marinette cookies, my body weak and unable to move, YOU'LL have to be the one to answer to Ladybug." He tried, hoping she took the bait.

She snorted, "Oh please," she muttered, hitting him lightly in the face with her pillow, "Go home, Adrien."

"You're so mean, Marinette! I thought you loved me! Where did all of the love go!?" He tackled her back down onto the bed, hearing a small whoosh of air leave her.

She groaned as he wrapped his arms around her, "I do love you, more than anything in the world," she scratched lightly at the back of his wild mane, hearing him instantly starting to purr, "but I'm not making you cookies. End of discussion."


"End. Of. Discussion." She enunciated each word carefully.

He told her upset, "I'm not leaving until I get cookies."

She snuggled into him, closing her eyes as the smell of his leather filled her with a sense of happiness, "Fine by me. I'm going back to sleep. You should too. Good night Kitty."

He hummed still sounding pouty, but asked a little softer, "Can I at least get a good night kiss?"

She rolled her eyes and looked up at him. There was a glint in his eye that she didn't trust, and as she pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, he pulled her closer. He deepened the kiss instantly, turning her peck into a full blown, craving more, couldn't stop, WOULDN'T stop, passionate make-out.

God, she loved the way his lips moved against hers. She found herself moving up to meet him more every time he tried to pull back. She could feel the smile on his face as she pushed him down flat on the bed, her heart racing as she hovered over him. A deep rumble of appreciation moved through his chest into hers, his claws resting lightly on the back of her neck sent shivers down her spine as his fingers twined into her hair.

She finally had to pull away, breathing heavily as she watched the satisfied smirk on his face as he tried to catch his own breath. She sat up and moved away from him, grabbing a hair tie. She pulled it into a low bun and stood, hearing him ask confused, "Princess where are you going?"

She climbed down the ladder, her face still flushed, "To make cookies."

He beamed, asking in a sing-song voice, "Whhhy?"

"I'm never going to fall asleep now. Congratulations. You kissed your way to cookies at 3am. Good talk." She disappeared down the hatch and he rolled around happily on her bed in triumph.

Tikki flew out from her hiding place, stifling her own giggle, "You are terrible Adrien."

He smiled at her, "I know, but at least this way I can make sure she sleeps all day. She needs it. I know she'd still try to get up to go hang out with everyone later, and she needs to rest. I don't like seeing my bugaboo running so hard like this without any breaks."

Tikki smiled proudly at him, "Are you ever going to tell her that you know?"

He looked towards her trapdoor where she had disappeared, "I want her to tell me whenever she's ready. She already knows me on both sides, and I know she wants to tell me too. Ever since we started dating as our civilian selves, I can see how much it weighs on her to keep lying to me. It's just a matter of waiting now, and I'll wait for her for an entire lifetime if I have to. I love her for her, not for her spots."

"She knows that." Tikki tried to assure him, "Master Fu just drilled it into her that her identity was her greatest secret, but she'll come around. I know she will."

He nodded, "Right, and I'll be waiting right here with open arms when she does."

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