Part 12- Sleep Talking

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"Finished." Marinette whispered with a relieved sigh. She held up the jacket with a sleepy smile, "What do you think Kitty?" She spun in her desk chair to face the chaise, and let her arms slowly fall with a loving smile on her face.

Chat Noir was all curled into himself, nothing more than a black ball of leather sleeping soundly on her chaise. She chuckled softly to herself, putting the jacket down on the desk and grabbing a throw blanket from her closet.

She unfolded the blanket and shook it out, hearing the muttering start, "Nuh um, ish mine purrincess."

She covered him carefully, her smile widening. No doubt he was arguing with her about something he thought was his in his sleep.

She had figured out a few weeks ago that once Chat Noir was knocked out for the night, he occasionally muttered in his sleep. The first time he had done it, she thought he had been messing with her for working late into the night.

Come to find out, he had no idea what he had been saying.

Of course, she was glad that he was comfortable enough here that he could fall so deeply asleep like this, but she was worried about what he would eventually say.

His identity had to stay a secret, but he didn't seem to have filters with his sleep talking.

The first night, his muttering had thankfully only been about the akuma battle earlier that day. She had wanted to smack him, seeing him smile as he repeated his comment from the fight, "We'll light up his world m'lady." She felt her eye twitch at the memory.

The second time was a few days later, where he actually made a pile of pillows and blankets on the floor and curled up waiting for her to come back upstairs. She had found him asleep like that, shaking her head at the sight when he said it happily, "It's my favorite. You're the best Marinette."

Last week when he did this, she'd reluctantly woke him up in a panic at his words. He had been speaking far too clearly, "No, father she's not like that. She doesn't care about money, she cares about me." She had been across the room in a second, shaking him awake but not before he managed to get out one last sentence, "My last name doesn't mean anything to her."

Chat had been shocked when he finally woke up, asking her why she looked so upset. She'd explained what she had heard, and he instantly apologized, telling her the truth.

He had spoken with his father earlier that morning, about a girl he was getting really close to, and his father hadn't been happy. They had argued, before his father forbade him from seeing her. Chat had apparently found a loophole and was quite pleased with himself for it.

His father had told him that he wasn't allowed to date anyone, but that didn't mean Chat Noir couldn't.

It was how she ended up dating the pun-loving black cat currently asleep on her chaise. She was tired of hiding her feelings for Chat Noir, and Adrien was continually spending more and more time with Kagami. Even though he'd told everyone multiple times that he and Kagami were just friends, she knew that Kagami liked Adrien. It would only be a matter of time before they started dating publicly.

Adrien would never look at her that way, but Chat Noir did. Agreeing to date him, despite knowing that his father didn't want them together, was something she was never going to regret. She would find a way to change his father's mind one day, no matter who he was.

Chat didn't like that they had to keep their relationship a secret either, but it was for his safety, and hers. If word got out that Chat Noir was dating anyone, it would blow up in a matter of seconds. She would no doubt become a target, and at least where her safety was concerned, Chat would take no chances.

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