Part 34-Sabine

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Sabine woke up at 3:30AM like she did most days, getting up and stretching next to her(wonderful) husband as he also started getting up.

She went to make a small breakfast for the two of them as Tom took a shower, they ate and she then took a shower while he cleaned up.

Afterwards they started work, she cleaned and sanitized, he did inventory and put things in order, and then they both started making dough.

By 7 they started the actual baking and at 7:45 Marinette ran down the stairs full tilt nearly running into the wall(and when that had become the norm she couldn't remember but it was). Some quick well wishes, a kiss for each of them, and Marinette was off.

The Bakery opened at 9 with there regulars and some new customers came in for breakfast pastries and some stuff for later in the day. This continued for the next few hours, a lull then the rush for lunchtime.

At 12:30 Marinette came in and helped them close up for Lunch talking about her day, Alya's new theory on Ladybug, and Chloe's latest complaint.

At 12:45 Chat Noir came in as well just as Lunch was getting ready as he did most days, always texting or calling ahead when he couldn't make it. Even after all this time he was still the picture of politeness to her and Tom, as perfect a gentleman can be when they are dressed up in a leather catsuit.

He sat right next to Marinette, just a few inches between them, a light blush gracing her daughter's face even as she smirked and taunted him for crying over some movie the last night or some such. Chat smiled like the sun in response even as he defended himself.

She and Tom had been wary at first all that time ago, when Chat had been introduced to them and they did everything short of outright saying they were going to start dating. Not only was he a famous boy in leather, which sent up all sorts of mother flags right away, but it was a secret relationship with super villains and magic involved, plus last she had known Chat liked Ladybug and Marinette liked Adrien.

But Marinette was a smart girl for all she could be hopelessly dramatic, and Chat seemed nice, so they had talked and decided to hold there peace for now. It did help that the teens would be spending most of there time not to far from her and Tom so they had a very good position to watch.

And it had been a good decision, Marinette was happier then she'd ever seen her, Chat was constant smiles and compliments, and in general they liked spending time together, not to mention he even spent time with her and Tom showing he wasn't there only to get something from Marinette. She had some suspicions about his home life(what young man would be so delighted to be over there house whenever possible if they had a good home life), but neither of the kids said anything so neither did she or Tom, they had in fact taken to giving the two more alone time lately, hours without supervision(of course she'd made sure to remind her daughter to be safe again before hand, much to the younger girls embarrassment, then again Sabine was fairly certain the two had taken her advice so all was good for her as a mother).

They all enjoyed there time together, Chat and Marinette bantering back and forth while she and Tom talked about the day.

At 1:30 Chat had to leave, 5 minutes later Marinette followed suit.

She and Tom went back to work getting everything started again, at 2:30 they were once again open for business for another 2 hours, getting off at 4:30. They spent the next half hour cleaning up and getting everything set for the next morning.

After that she and Tom went upstairs to relax, Marinette out with her friends. She and Tom watched some TV, Tom started reading a book, she had gotten into puzzles not long ago and opened up a new one to do on a side table.

At 5:00 they started some dinner for later. At 5:20 Tom got a text from Chat that he'd be there for most of the night and would arrive in a little bit, to her and Tom's typical acceptance. At 5:45 Chat came in, tapping on the wall to alert them, and then laying on there couch, doing something on his staff(texting or looking something up she presumed).

At 5:50 Marinette came in from being with her friends since school closed(homework done she presumed). Marinette came in, said hello, gave her and Tom pecks on the cheek, then just collapsed on top of Chat with a huff, much to his joking indignation.

Chat and Marinette playfully argued about Marinette just dropping on him(it reminded her of a young her and Tom, although they had never been that competitive about it).

Not long after she got up and set up dinner, to Marinette's and Chat's vocal pleasure(although more Chat's), and the 4 sat down to eat and talk about whatever they thought of.

Afterwards Tom went to clean the dishes while she went back to her puzzle, and the kids went to Marinette's room. Tom came back soon after, and after a bit of kissing(Marinette would be amazed at how physically affectionate she and Tom still were when she wasn't looking) they settled in to watch some B-Horror movie on TV.

After the movie was over(and some more kissing), she and Tom got up and started cleaning up, getting ready for bed when Marinette came down to go to the bathroom, although she'd be up longer doing designing or some such, Chat apparently gone(and a new hickey just peaking below Marinette's shirt when she stretched, Sabine barely stopped from laughing at her).

Everything said and done she and Tom went to bed, laying in his arms she decided it was a typical day. And a very enjoyable one.

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